One Week Till Election

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Its one week till we the people get to decide who will be President of the United States. Can anyone tell me who Barack Hussein Obama is? He could be president and we really dont know who he is! How do you get so much info on everyone else involved in the election. Even Joe The Plumber was investigated, questioned and insulted within days of talking with Obama. Why does Obama get a pass? If any other candidate ever had the associations Obama does the ivestigations would be endless. Why does the media cover his ass like they do? Biden his own vice pres says Obama will be tested if he gets the nomination but the main stream media says nothing. Obama says negative things about the US overseees and the media says nothing. Obama says he wants income reditribution inposed by the courts and the media says nothing. Obama says The Constitution is a Charter Of Negative Libertys in 2006 and you hear nothing about it. Obama goes to a black nationalist church for over 20 years and the media says nothing even though his minister is best friends with Farrakhan and his church gave him a award for being so great! Obama says I need to learn Spanish and other stupid shit he thinks when the teleprompter is not on. WHo Is this guy and why are Obama lovers so willing to take such a chance on change that has been tried and failed in the past? I hope Americans will wake up before its too late and say no to radical policys that will change our society for the worse.


Well-Known Member
It's not 'a black nationalist church.'
It's a liberal church, with it's fair share of whites, gays and anti government you know like most churches???

I agree with your post, not enough questions answered.
He's clearly being pushed through, alot like the bailout bill.
but it looks like we will have 4 years to know who he is....can't wait!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Its a black nationalist church that preaches black values and principles. Do the research? Anyone is welcome at the church.


Well-Known Member
Its a black nationalist church that preaches black values and principles. Do the research? Anyone is welcome at the church.
a black nationalist church is the same as a polish nationalist church.
you are more then welcome to hear about their roots based around christianity. Do they have white members? the answer is yes.
I drive by trinity united going to and from work.
Living in chicago you are 15 mins from everything.
Yea, Ive seen the crazy fox news reports and a few funny youtube videos. What you don't see is whos in line before the doors open on sat/sunday.
Think of white liberals and black militants finding a comon ground.
The "church" itself is 100% political and I'm not sure where the "christianity" comes in besides the tax break.:shock:

Trinity isn't rainbow push.


Well-Known Member
Its one week till we the people get to decide who will be President of the United States. Can anyone tell me who Barack Hussein Obama is? He could be president and we really dont know who he is! How do you get so much info on everyone else involved in the election. Even Joe The Plumber was investigated, questioned and insulted within days of talking with Obama. Why does Obama get a pass? If any other candidate ever had the associations Obama does the ivestigations would be endless. Why does the media cover his ass like they do? Biden his own vice pres says Obama will be tested if he gets the nomination but the main stream media says nothing. Obama says negative things about the US overseees and the media says nothing. Obama says he wants income reditribution inposed by the courts and the media says nothing. Obama says The Constitution is a Charter Of Negative Libertys in 2006 and you hear nothing about it. Obama goes to a black nationalist church for over 20 years and the media says nothing even though his minister is best friends with Farrakhan and his church gave him a award for being so great! Obama says I need to learn Spanish and other stupid shit he thinks when the teleprompter is not on. WHo Is this guy and why are Obama lovers so willing to take such a chance on change that has been tried and failed in the past? I hope Americans will wake up before its too late and say no to radical policys that will change our society for the worse.
I posted this in Vi's thread, but I'll repost it here: Would you please explain in your own words the philosophical difference between negative and positive liberty. Our country was founded on the ideas like those of Locke (negative), not Rousseau (positive). We're not Athenians.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to say this, but the next president will be the last of your worries. No matter who wins, they can't save us from anything that is going to happen.

If you choose to vote, pick someone who isn't mainstream like Obama or McCain. Have you stopped to notice that the other candidates are never spoken of? That is something you should think about.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to say this, but the next president will be the last of your worries. No matter who wins, they can't save us from anything that is going to happen.

If you choose to vote, pick someone who isn't mainstream like Obama or McCain. Have you stopped to notice that the other candidates are never spoken of? That is something you should think about.
No, but they can certainly make it that much worse like Obama is planning on doing. It won't matter what minimum wage is if NO ONE HAS A FUCKING JOB!


Well-Known Member
I posted this in Vi's thread, but I'll repost it here: Would you please explain in your own words the philosophical difference between negative and positive liberty. Our country was founded on the ideas like those of Locke (negative), not Rousseau (positive). We're not Athenians.
It sounds like the way Obama portrayed them is that the Constitution is a set of negative liberties in that it specifies the limits of the power of the Constitution, though I really disagree. On the whole I would say that the Constitution is full of positive liberties, especially with the Bill of Rights, which guarantees the citizens the right to Freedom of Speech, Expression, Peaceful Assembly, Press, Religion. The right to Bear Arms, and so on and so forth.

Obama's quote is idiotic, because it fails to understand that by limiting the power of the federal government it guarantees liberties to the citizens.

Besides, who in their right mind would trust the government?

To quote Ronald Reagan, "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."


Well-Known Member
Its one week till we the people get to decide who will be President of the United States. Can anyone tell me who Barack Hussein Obama is?
lol! You must be one of those "low information voters" we've been hearing so much about.

Barack HOOSANE Obama is that black guy who's been running for president for two years. He's made a eleventy billion televised speeches and appeared in all the debates, primary and presidential. He beat Hilary Clinton in the primaries (do you know who Hilary Clinton is?). He's written two books (one an autobiography). He's appeared on just about every news show on TV several times a day for months and he has been featured multiple times in every magazine from People to The Economist.

Frankly, if you do not know who he is by now, then I think it's more your fault than his.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like the way Obama portrayed them is that the Constitution is a set of negative liberties in that it specifies the limits of the power of the Constitution, though I really disagree. On the whole I would say that the Constitution is full of positive liberties, especially with the Bill of Rights, which guarantees the citizens the right to Freedom of Speech, Expression, Peaceful Assembly, Press, Religion. The right to Bear Arms, and so on and so forth.

Obama's quote is idiotic, because it fails to understand that by limiting the power of the federal government it guarantees liberties to the citizens.

Besides, who in their right mind would trust the government?

To quote Ronald Reagan, "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

why was the constitution writen when we had the Articles of Confederation already? why did the people protest such an idea of the new law of the land? why was it writin in secret and behind closed doors?

To the farmers the constitution was only the framework for forced taxes.
World court law: a taxed territory is a nation. a none taxed nation is a territory and has no place in the eyes of the world court.

yep, the very same constitution I behold.

...ever get that feeling that control is and has been the whole point of everything?


Active Member
Its one week till we the people get to decide who will be President of the United States. Can anyone tell me who Barack Hussein Obama is? He could be president and we really dont know who he is!
Let me get this straight . . . a guy who writes two best-selling autobiographies, gave the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic convention and has been at the center of politics in the third biggest city in the United States, was a law professor for 10 odd years, a community organizer for a while, very much a public figure his entire life, has been in the Senate for two years, has been running for president for the past 18 months, defeated Hillary Clinton through countless debates, been on every talk show imaginable and his image and words are ubiquitous in the media in print, on tv and on the internet . . .

Versus some woman who 99% of Americans NEVER HEARD OF until 6 weeks ago, who only gave two interviews - both of them disasterous - where she said the most PREPOSTEROUS things, who supports some shady organization that wants her state to secede from America, who just repeats the word maverick over and over and who always talks from a pre-agreed script at every rally she ever attends . . .

Which person WHO COULD BE PRESIDENT do we really hardly know . . . and that which we DO know scares the crap out of us?


New Member
Let me get this straight . . . a guy who writes two best-selling autobiographies, gave the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic convention and has been at the center of politics in the third biggest city in the United States, was a law professor for 10 odd years, a community organizer for a while, very much a public figure his entire life, has been in the Senate for two years, has been running for president for the past 18 months, defeated Hillary Clinton through countless debates, been on every talk show imaginable and his image and words are ubiquitous in the media in print, on tv and on the internet . . .
No disrespect meant here, but you haven't said who Barak Hussein Obama is. bongsmilie



New Member
I can't wait until all this election nonsense is over. I'm so sick of hearing about it and seeing it. I'm ready to pop some corn and watch the post election riots. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Haha yea I'm curious to see if any riots break out.
Maybe that's what the brigades of military are for?

They say riots will break out if Obama loses, but I'm sure it would be the same for McCain. Lots of people don't like Obama, mostly for racial reasons...

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
ElBarto! You must be way low on info because you havent said anything I havent allready heard. None of that tells anyone who Obama is! Thats all regergitation from the main steam media! You obviously have no clue either. The guy could be president and thats all you got? We need real info! Thanks for any trys though!!


Well-Known Member
I can't wait until all this election nonsense is over. I'm so sick of hearing about it and seeing it. I'm ready to pop some corn and watch the post election riots. :mrgreen:
I Agree.....and I also think no matter who gets to the White House...:finger:we are all in for a fuckin......and we are not gettin a kiss !!!!


Well-Known Member
why was the constitution writen when we had the Articles of Confederation already? why did the people protest such an idea of the new law of the land? why was it writin in secret and behind closed doors?

To the farmers the constitution was only the framework for forced taxes.
World court law: a taxed territory is a nation. a none taxed nation is a territory and has no place in the eyes of the world court.

yep, the very same constitution I behold.

...ever get that feeling that control is and has been the whole point of everything?
No, I don't get the feeling that control is and has been the whole point of everything. I know control has been the whole point of everything.

Why was there a Revolutionary War? To seize control of our own states from a tyrannical and unjust regime that was seeking to tax us with out representation, and was on the verge of stamping us down like it had stamped down Ireland a century before. With the imposition of taxes, and the deployment of troops.

Why was there the Tripoli Campaign in 1803 - Control over the water ways and control of our own citizens (protecting them from being enslaved by the Barbary Coast Pirates)

War of 1812 - Same deal, except it was Britain doing the enslavement.

Mexican-American War - Same thing, but it was for the Sovereign Right of Texas to decide that it wanted to be annexed into the United States after it kicked the shit out of Mexico on its own. (I don't know what Mexico was thinking when it decided it wanted to get its ass handed to it by us, too.) ... I could go further on that, but I wont.

Spanish-American War - Monroe Doctrine that the Americas were our Sphere of Influence (Control of the Americas)

World War 1 - Ensuring that Germany didn't sink our ships (Lusitania)

World War II - Defending Ourselves (maintaining control over our own territory)

Korean War - Preventing the Communists from gaining Control of South Korea

Vietnam War - Preventing the Communist sfrom gaining Control of South Vietnam (which we did not lose, because when the South fell we were already withdrawn for all intents and purposes.)

All the covert military actions - Control

Arming of Iran and Iraq during the 80s (when they were happily killing each other) control, trying to make them drain each other dry.

Afghanistan during the 80s (using the Afghani Freedom Fighters to drain the USSR dry)

That incident in Central America in 83, more control

Oh, there's something I skipped, the incident in Panama that lead to the creation of Panama. We wanted Control of the Isthmus of Panama to build a Canal through it. More Control.

So, JoePro, I can state that I don't think that it was all about Control. I know it was all about Control.


Well-Known Member
Dec of Ind vs Constitution

The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were drafted by a committee headed by John Dickinson on July 12, 1776. The colonies were still weary of strong central government after the problems they faced with the Parliament in England. Therefore, rather than granting authority to a central government, the Articles of Confederation gave the majority of power to the states.
While Congress had power over foreign affairs, war and peace, coinage, postal service, and Indian affairs, there were no courts to enforce the resolutions, laws, and taxes on the states. Instead, Congress relied on state requisitions, which states could easily ignore. (Tindall/Shi 208).
Important acts required a “special majority” in which nine out of the thirteen states had to approve of the act. This was used in measures taken with war, treaties, coinage, finances, and the army and navy. All amendments to the Articles required unanimous ratif.......................

The rebels fought and four were killed. This small riff convinced many politicians that the states were in need of a different and better suited constitution. States began coining their own money and refusing to trade with one another.

Committees were made for nearly everything.

Due to the little power held by Congress, many problems sprang up.

After a struggle to pass the Constitution, the last state agreed and on October 10 of 1788, it was passed. These three branches have a system of “checks and balances” with no branch being more powerful than another. History: A Brief Editon, NY: New York. Captain Daniel Shays, a war veteran and farmer, led a rebellion of 1,200 farmers against the federal arsenal in Springfield in 1787. Indian lands were trampled by white settlers. This leader could veto certain acts of Congress, but could also be overridden by a two-thirds majority of Congress. everything appears to promise that it will last.
The delegates decided upon a seperation of powers, giving certain rights to states and others to a central government. (Tindall/Shi 216) They wanted a better monetary policy consisting of the right to use corn and wheat as hard money
shays rebellion is a great read. Read everything you can about it!!