One plant growing twice as fast as other


Hey guys,
One of my plants is growing twice as fast as the other.
They are the same strain, and the only things different about them is that I decided to use a different soil as an experiment (the slow one is using potting soil with perlite mixed in and the fast one is using a different brand of potting soil).

Should I transfer the slow one to the potting soil used with the fast one?


Well-Known Member
hm just leave em alone. You'll probably do more harm than good trying to transplant.

the more vigorous one could be male, as males tend to grow faster


Active Member
I started three plants to get one female. The males way outpaced the female in growth and were taller when I sexed them.


Active Member
Not only could it be a male, if you keep the plants in separate soil mixes and they are both 1 gender you now have a good idea of which soil mix you would like to go with, I am doing the same thing in a similar test to try and find out what mix i really want to go with...


Awesome. Thanks for the fast replies. I will definitely go with the soil mix thats growing fastest. Also the shorter one seems "wider" while the bigger one seems "taller". The only problem is keeping the light (I am only using one light, just bought it) close enough to the shorter one while not heating up the taller one too much. Any suggestions for that?

Not only could it be a male, if you keep the plants in separate soil mixes and they are both 1 gender you now have a good idea of which soil mix you would like to go with, I am doing the same thing in a similar test to try and find out what mix i really want to go with...


Active Member
Awesome. Thanks for the fast replies. I will definitely go with the soil mix thats growing fastest. Also the shorter one seems "wider" while the bigger one seems "taller". The only problem is keeping the light (I am only using one light, just bought it) close enough to the shorter one while not heating up the taller one too much. Any suggestions for that?

What are the genetics like, is it bagseed?

The fact there are tall lanky growers and short stout growers seems like 2 different species of plants. Depending on your application and flowering method you can go either way, SOG, SCROG, Single plant. The fastest growing soil might not always be the best soil if it doesn't fit into the grander scheme of things.

As for the light there are infinite ways to work it. I assume your using CFL's? Just take something sturdy and put it under your smaller plant to raise it to an equal height with the taller plant. As long as the drainage holes are not blocked you should be good. I have a set of 4 that are smaller than my others and I have them on a piece of cardboard raised up with pasta boxes. Just look around the house or invest in more lights. Good luck.