One of my plants are turning yellow and rust why?


Well-Known Member
Anyways he died still have another one he has nitrogen toxicity I flush it but it wasn't ph 6.5 oh 5.0 will this help or it won't do anything unless I flush it with ph 6.5?


Well-Known Member
How do I flush it?
Nute burn, n tox, the leaf closest to the light looks like heat tacos. 20-20-20 fertilizer is just 1-1-1 concentrated. Dilute it a lot. But just water for probably 2 weeks on that one. No Nutes.

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I'm going to quote myself became you asked for advice, I gave it to your and then you ignored it and then asked how to do exactly what I told you to do.

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Active Member
Every strains different I don't go over 6.8.depending on it being too high or too low of a ph it will lock out your micro nutrients or your npk. Different ph levels also causes different color hues in your pistils and plays a role in effecting your anthocyanin so experiment and figure out what you like. And remember about 70% of the outcome is genetics. No matter what you do some plants will just not be as good as others so don't blame yourself and try again. With truth comes knowledge but with experience comes wisdom and understanding. Just keep at it and you'll learn if you seek to