One of my plants are turning yellow and rust why?


Active Member
202020 is too much for seedlings, flush it and change your pot. that one looks like it sucks. i suggest fabric pots.


Well-Known Member
Nute burn, n tox, the leaf closest to the light looks like heat tacos. 20-20-20 fertilizer is just 1-1-1 concentrated. Dilute it a lot. But just water for probably 2 weeks on that one. No Nutes.

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Well-Known Member
Guys it's not nute burn I just started adding 20-20-20 not long ago even before I was adding 20-20-20 it was the same exact yellow and rust


Well-Known Member
Did you happen to plant it in a prefed potting soil? If thats the case it doesnt need any nutes, just water. Looks nute burnt to me seeing how the new veg on top is starting to tip burn.


Active Member
Rustyness, that's potassium, the fan leaf that's forming a claw is a nitrogen overdose. This can be caused by a cupl things, it being rootbound,looking at how the leaves fold that might be it but I'm guessing it's not, if so its just not sucking up nutrients because theyres no new soil for the roots to latch onto, just repot w new soil, bad ph could be another reason (high ph locks out micronutrients low ph locks out npk) this would be a low ph if anything but again idt that's the problem, Or too much nitrogen is causing a lockout, too much n salt in the plants veins to suck up the p and k. If I had to bet on it I'm 80 percent sure this is just a nitrogen overdose causing a patassium lockout, flush with 3 times the amount of water the pot holds and add a little p and k, also calmag never hurts as soon as it starts flowering, get rid of nitrogen all together you'll want the plant to use the nitrogen stored in its leaves to break down chlorophyll increases terpenes and potency, also need during flower can cause the plant to reveg, so chill with the nitrogen prettymuch, remember less is always better than too much start at a fourth the recommended dose, soon you won't need a chart you can just tell what it needs and feed accordingly


Well-Known Member
Guys it's not nute burn I just started adding 20-20-20 not long ago even before I was adding 20-20-20 it was the same exact yellow and rust
It's just regular soil

Ok, this better explains the pic then. Before you fed it was eating the nutrients from the leaves (rusty spots and yellowing) because it was growing good and had no nutrients. You added too hot of a nutrient and it is now acting differently on the new vegetation (burnt tips). I'd suggest you flush it and let it feed on regular water for about 3-5 days then begin adding nutes at 1/4 strength. I dont think ph is your issue.


Active Member
Rustyness, that's potassium, the fan leaf that's forming a claw is a nitrogen overdose. This can be caused by a cupl things, it being rootbound,looking at how the leaves fold that might be it but I'm guessing it's not, if so its just not sucking up nutrients because theyres no new soil for the roots to latch onto, just repot w new soil, bad ph could be another reason (high ph locks out micronutrients low ph locks out npk) this would be a low ph if anything but again idt that's the problem, Or too much nitrogen is causing a lockout, too much n salt in the plants veins to suck up the p and k. If I had to bet on it I'm 80 percent sure this is just a nitrogen overdose causing a patassium lockout, flush with 3 times the amount of water the pot holds and add a little p and k, also calmag never hurts as soon as it starts flowering, get rid of nitrogen all together you'll want the plant to use the nitrogen stored in its leaves to break down chlorophyll increases terpenes and potency, also need during flower can cause the plant to reveg, so chill with the nitrogen prettymuch, remember less is always better than too much start at a fourth the recommended dose, soon you won't need a chart you can just tell what it needs and feed accordingly
It's hard to tell in tht pic but I'm pretty sure I do see a nitrogen toxicity


Well-Known Member
re-posting your pic with added red circles highlighting the signs of PH issue (wrinkled mutated bumps)

there are also signs of heat/moisture stress (serrated tips curling up)



Active Member
It's hard to tell in tht pic but I'm pretty sure I do see a nitrogen toxicity
Lol I know the way I talk makes the sentence sort of contradict myself but it's sort of hard to tell if the leaf is folding from being roo
How do I flush it?
add 3 times the amount of natural water than the pot holds so if your using a 15 gallon pot use 45 gallons of fresh water to wash out the nutes