one of my babies. whats up RIU?


Active Member
Hey GB, thank you. Its a CH9 Jack or Vintage 2006. One of the two. I believe its a jack. Haven't checked on it in 2 weeks though so let's see what's happened since I left... Pics tomorrow..


Well-Known Member
i got a jack herra going sir. one of my favorite out of my ladies. your baby is a lil small for this late in the season my friend.
where abouts u from . northeast? northwest? looks like its about a month old.


Active Member
Yea northeast. Here's the others I promised. What do you guys think? I'm hoping for around 4 lbs this year. All will be used by me and friends, not selling even a gram. Lol. Can't wait for the hash either



Well-Known Member
very nice man, im in northeast also. my jack h is only about 2.5 ft. but i got 2 7 fters that im hoping to get a nice yeild out of.