On Chavez's speech ...


New Member
Check out the TurboGarden aero system that I left for you in the other thread. Really tricked out.



Well-Known Member
I used to think (when I first started smokin pot) that if everyone smoked, the world would be about peace and love. I've surly had that idea spanked from my mind by reality. The only viable answer is Divine intervention. QUOTE]

Hey meduser, most of us started out thinking like you, the reality of the situation is we get older and realize we have no choice but jump into the business game unless you were born rich. The neat thing is in a capitalistic society is you can go as far as you want. You get married, have kids, mortgages, your thoughts change to"How do I make it better for my kids,then it was for me ?" I am a commisioned sales person, I make money if I sell, I make very little if I don't. No ceiling on what I can make, just depends on economy and how hard I work.
The world is changing at a alarming rate, having the thoughts to share all wealth would mean we all drive the same cars, all only get one type of snowboards, a very bland world. We can be like China, they limit the # of kids they can have is that freedom?
Please don't loose your zest for creating a equal world, those type of thoughts is which keeps liberty alive. I do not know your age but priorities change as our lives evolve.

Have a great day!!


Well-Known Member
I was referring to excessive wealth, like a CEO whom makes 20-100 million a year, That's just f---ing rediculous, Do you know how many hungry people that would feed. I,m not talking about making everyone the same or fixing salaries. I believe a doctor should make more than a carpenter and so on. It's just the richest capitalists to whom I'm refering: example, Enrons CEO retires with $100,000,000 package while oil prices are at 70+ dollars a barrel. Those kind of blatant excesses are what sour me on capitalism.


Well-Known Member
Enrons CEO retires with $100,000,000 package
I hear what your saying, but hey, he paid JimmyBuffett to play at his wifes birthday party for $500,000 for the evening.

But I think he is dead now, or so they say


New Member
Hey, DragNfly ...

Great to see you posting here. I saw Dank and Lothar in another thread too. :)

Med ...

Should the salarys and benifits of CEOs be capped? If so, where would you cap them. Who would control it and what would the penalties be for exceeding the cap?



Well-Known Member
Hey, DragNfly ...

Great to see you posting here. I saw Dank and Lothar in another thread too. :)

Med ...

Should the salarys and benifits of CEOs be capped? If so, where would you cap them. Who would control it and what would the penalties be for exceeding the cap?

I would say death for anyone making over a million a year, if you only make 900,000, a sound thrashing by all the people whom work at walmart would suffice. between 900,000 and 500,000, cut off one finger and two toes, Under 500,000 I'd say you only had to pay 90% tax on anything over 150,000 Under 150,000, your to poor to worry about, you can thrash on the 900,000 guy! Wait where's your sense of humor?


New Member
"I would say death for anyone making over a million a year ..."

Interesting response. I have to admit that I was baiting you a bit. I once met a woman who lived in the Czeck Republic under the communist state. She told me that the Czeck government actually limited income to no more than one million dollars a year. Any excess of that was given over to the government to be "redistributed" to the rest of society. The leaders of the society lived like kings. Like Orwell said in Animal Farm ... "All pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others."



Well-Known Member
Here pigy pigy pigy, Just throw some poison in the feeding trough. I believe in most social structures the leaders live better than the rest of the "herd." (what do you call a group of pigs) a pork fest? A swinedle?


Well-Known Member
Damn,I think your catching on! I was afraid you'd never make it, The politician are crooks being fed by the corporate arseholes to keep the structure controlled by the money boys. U.S. govt. 1A. Hooray, youve seen the light!


New Member
Damn,I think your catching on! I was afraid you'd never make it, The politician are crooks being fed by the corporate arseholes to keep the structure controlled by the money boys. U.S. govt. 1A. Hooray, youve seen the light!
And its all an evil plot to keep the "little guys" down, right?



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, the rich need workers(slaves) to keep them in the style they've become accustomed to. I've steadfastly maintained the fact that a minute percentage of people ( commoners) have the drive and ambition to take on the task and will "succeed" as you call it by becoming wealthy, I believe the rate is so low as to not even rate in percentages, like maybe .000001, No notes on this subject, just my observances. Most people (Commoners) can always use a little more scratch, It's the planning thing we have a hard time doing. Here's a quote for you: When your up to your ass in aligators, it's hard to remember that you only came here to drain the swamp" I agree that to have a plan is a good thing. My son had a plan since he was 8-10 years old. We put him through 5 years of college, Bachelor of something like business admin. He is doing pretty well, not as well as his college room mates that had rich parents though, they are all wealthy by now! My son had a 4.0 grade average, got in to UCSD on a scolarship, and graduated with honors. Still the roomates with average grades (he always had to help them with their studies), got the prime positions. Now I want you to be honest and tell me everyone has the same chance to "succeed", bullshit! It's a closed fraternity!


New Member
Med ...

Please go to this site, then come back here and point out where your political views, and the mindset of your fellow travelers in the Democratic Party differ from this site: http://www.cpusa.org/

I look forward to your answers. :)



Active Member
why are politics being discussed here? I am an active member of society and do my best to stay well-informed...but do politics have anything to do with rollitup? The discussion of politics, especially amongst parties that are not especially well-informed only leads to further polarized opinions and results in no compromise or solution. Chavez is an idiot...85% of his country is in poverty. let's just ;eave it at that and talk about better growing strategies and cost-effective smoking methods, eh? Am I wrong here?


New Member
"why are politics being discussed here?"

Because those who post here like to discuss politics. And ... we enjoy the banter too. :)

Chavez is an idiot...85% of his country is in poverty.

True words there, Bro ... but don't you know that the poverty is caused by evil capitalist pigs who want to enslave the entire planet? Don't believe it? ... well just ask our communist friend Medicinaluseonly. :)



Well-Known Member
I guess if I'm a "communist" you must be a "Capitilistic Facist", put the individual rights of the wealthy "powers that be", before the welfare of the people. Viva la revolution! Hey V , Actung, I don't think you even read my entire threads, I think you cherry pick and look for one liners that you can oppose. Maybe if you read what I had to say, you wouldn't vehemently attack all my premises. Look, I've only had 2 years of college, Had some more important things to do, like making a living for my new family. I went to night college for 5 years, worked climbing poles in the day and on the 2 nights and weekends that I had no school, I worked in a gas station. So to think that I'm some lazy arsehole that expects the govt. to support me is Wrong, and pedantic. So you are a salesman, I'm not buying your philosophy, call it a No Sale, and I don't need any follow up visits. Till the end of time, at least mine, I'll never believe that there should be an Elite class of arseholes making all the rules and suppressing the rest of us. Enjoy your money, as that is all you must have. Quit worrying that some one like me will throw you off your throne. I know where I am in the order of things, and have decided its not worth the effort to climb any higher on the financial ladder. I am content in my surroundings and have no desire for your money. "Paranoia runs deep", "no-one in the manor will sleep", and yup Ive been surrounded by alligators most of my life, so swamp draining hasn't been a priority.


New Member
"I know where I am in the order of things, and have decided its not worth the effort to climb any higher on the financial ladder."

And yet, you would dictate how far up "the ladder" your fellow countrymen can climb, right?
