OMFG are these SEEDS?


Active Member
have to agree, they look very seed like to me. did the plant herm on you are another plant in the grow room poss?


Well-Known Member
damn it !! i fucked my plant!!

like two weeks a go, i did put two plants under 12/12 inside the same cabinet, they turned to be hermie so i chopped them down, never thought they would spread the pollen so fast man jesus!
¿what now?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
if there splitting then there seeds, if there not then there most likey calyxes, yours look like seeds and shitload of em at that lol

polen can do damage even in the garbage, all it takes is a lil wind and the shit travels like a carnie

best way to get rid of males and herms are to bag em gently so you dont shake the shit , tie the bag off and throw in outside in a dumpster


Well-Known Member
yep... next time ya might wanna get the herms out at the first sign of bananas then you may only have just a few seeds if youre lucky...

def agree with dizzle... like he said trashbag them gently...

take your good ladies out of the room first then i would also GENTLY spray your gaga's with a sprayer on mist to trap the pollen on the flowers first...

then place a large trashbag over the top of the plant w/o picking the plant up first and just "dumping" it in the bag...

cause... any shakin goin on before that plant is sealed up tight... will prematurely bust those sacks faster than a group of 40 yr old virgins at a strip club ;)

damn lady gaga strikes again ;-) even though she may or may not be... im gonna call all hermies that till i find somethin else to call em..... just for the fun of it lol ;)