omega gardening


Active Member
has anyone used the omega gardening hydro system? it looks really cool and efficient. i just wanted to know if anyone has had any success with it. please leave details and tips for i am in the market for a fail safe system... the website is - Omega Gardens™: Industry Leading Hydroponics Designs for Indoor Gardening it looks practical but i think you would be limited to indica dominant plants for i don't think there is enough space for the usually tall sativas. check it out and let me know what everyone thinks!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
They arent 40 grand far from it as they have about 20 differnt models cheapest is around $2500 for a few hundred plants think its 200 somthing.You also have the similar volksgarden and a few other similar designs out there. There was a thread that somepne had that had gotten 2 volksgardens but not sure if they kept up thier journels.Search youtube fr volksgardeb to see them


Well-Known Member
Seriously, but I would love to talk to someone who was successfully flowering in an omega, they say growing plants upside down is nasty for growth rate.