Old Frog's Jack Flash Sea of Green (Clone Wars pt. 2)

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
M Blaze, sampson, tilemaster, 420Brazilian, Mindmelted, Smokiethebear, LB!!, rasclot, brick20: awesome to see you fellers here. I know I'm in kickass company. :blsmoke:

DaG, I don't think the plant number increase will necessarily be mirrored by a 30% bump in yield. I do think the uniformity and added numbers, without topping anything will grant some more donkey-weight. Also camping the lights 8-10" off the plants is fucking rad with the tubes. Following your lead on that point is really the biggest improvement to my setup this inning. :bigjoint:

sampson, good luck with your pending proj. and throw me a link to your journ when you fire it up! Always down to compare notes... :eyesmoke:

greenfirekilla420, the HEPA filter is capping my fresh air intake from outside with the third 8" 675cfm Max Fan. I don't like debris in my fresh air, and needed something big enough to still allow a fair amount in from that side of the room without compromising air quality. Also helps cut down on potential molds, mildews and other outdoor particles/pathogenic variables.

Aw stop it with the budporn Maths, you'll make me blush...:mrgreen:

For some reference, I got 2400~ grams last pull from this exact same setup. Heath Robinson's journals have trained me to think about things in a grams per watt ratio ultimately. 2400g/3600w=.66 grams per. I'm shooting at 2600-2800g for a better performance score. The only thing I can do now to increase yield would be this CO2 generator here, which I've been very close to purchasing.

Tonight the first tier of trellis is going up to even the canopy out completely and support these lanky lollipops. Pics after sunrise. :peace:


Well-Known Member
So you use one 70 gal res for both trays?

How often do you change res?

Do you have to top off in between changes?

How do you top off? Just water? or do you add nutes as well?

I am very interested in learning abut your nute regimen, that is one thing my op still lacks... consistency of nutes...

Hell, my whole op is a mess...lol...

Thanks Bro... and if you don't mind me asking... can we get some more pics? I LOVE pics...:lol:



Old Frog

Well-Known Member

Yep, one 70 gal. res. with the 100lbs of hydroton (50lbs per tray)to displace water and prevent light-pruning of roots.

Res. gets changed once a week. I'm crazy about this shit and probably waste a bit more nutrients than usual doing so, but I empty the whole thing every early Monday morning, scrub it and the lid down with a light bleach/water solution, rinse, and refill. I clean the big pumps and powerheads too. Fucking nasty pathogens, man...:wall:

Top off the res. every other night right before first feed with water and nutes, adding them slowly, filling, and rechecking ppm/ec.

Dutch Master Gold nutes and foliar are used for the hydro setup alone.

The soil room has reached a rate of cool efficiency with the PureBlend Pro Organic soil product line, and produces 25-30oz. per 1000w off of five plants in three gal. buckets on a monthly harvest cycle (ten plants, 2000w total with five coming down at a time). I'll jump in there tonight and snap pics of that and the veg. room. Don't know if that belongs in this SoG thread though...

Rant time::cuss:
I've heard there's a marked difference in taste between product lines and organic or non-organic and hydro and soil etc. etc. This may be on a strain by strain basis, because I've conducted side by side blind taste, smell, smoke quality and density tests of the Jack Flash in both mediums, with both of the above-mentioned product lines, and could not readily discern between the two without being told by Mrs. Frog which was which. bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

- Nute regimen in the E&F is as follows: Sweet spot: 500-1350ppm/.75-2.0mS

5-700ppm in veg. for the two weeks prior to flip, then 750ppm first week, 1000ppm second week, 1300-1350ppm weeks three through six, flush at less than 050ppm straight water if possible for final two weeks.

Foliar feed from mid-vegetative through week five of flower.

- Everything always always gets flushed in its last ten days of flower, no matter what. That's my taste secret. Fuck using Sweet or any other sugary flavor ice variety to enhance what's probably just a poor strain in the first place.

If it doesn't taste good on its own it shouldn't be grown! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
WOW! Thanks for all that info...

I definitely have a lot to learn...

Feel free to drop by and tell me what I am doing wrong... I'd appreciate it... no one tells me anything but nice pics...lol...

Cheers Bro!!!



Well-Known Member
Top off the res. every other night right before first feed with water and nutes, adding them slowly, filling, and rechecking ppm/ec.
So you just do whatever it takes to maintain a constant PPM... hmmm... makes sense... :bigjoint:

If it doesn't taste good on its own it shouldn't be grown! :bigjoint:
Kinda like that dude that said... "it's brown to let you know it's gonna taste like a turd..." :lol:


Well-Known Member
The soil room has reached a rate of cool efficiency with the PureBlend Pro Organic soil product line, and produces 25-30oz. per 1000w off of five plants in three gal. buckets on a monthly harvest cycle (ten plants, 2000w total with five coming down at a time). I'll jump in there tonight and snap pics of that and the veg. room. Don't know if that belongs in this SoG thread though...
Have you ever tried any other set ups under your two 1ks? The reason I ask is Im trying to plan out my new room and can not make up my mind between two 1ks or three 600s or maybe even just two 600s I dont know yet my goal is 2lbs every 10 weeks or so I plan on doing a hempy sog 16 plants under each light which ever one I choose anyway....I guess Im asking if you have ever tried sog under the two 1ks? LOL


Well-Known Member
The soil room ... produces 25-30oz. per 1000w off of five plants in three gal. buckets on a monthly harvest cycle (ten plants, 2000w total with five coming down at a time).
sounds like between ur 2 flower rooms ur pulling around 4 lbs. a month. that's deffinitely more efficiency than i have going thus far by watts.

and i forgot that ur actually using more watts total in flowering than i am right now !! 5600w HPS. Tho, i'm working on that.

do you "just" buy clones ... or is there a third room ur not telling us about? if there is, what's ur clone or veg. setup, thanks. (EDIT) and deffinitely post up ALL of what u got go'in on bro. You ain't gotta run the vacuum first... just post that shit up !! :D


Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Some new pics.

Clone and veg. rooms:

Calm before the storm...

Things get crazy. Forty-five up and forty below.

120 clones DIY style.

These clone box pics are old...

Soil veg. Two T5s and a handful of 4' fluorescents.

Future moms.

Current soil setup:
- Two 1000w HPS
- Ten or twelve plants, half Jack Flash and half Silver X NL5Haze
- Aurora Roots organic soil mix

- Pureblend Pro Soil Bloom
- Greenfuse Bloom Stim.
- Hygrozyme
- CalMag

Soil room velcro'd shut.


Jack Flash two weeks form harvest.

SCs at five weeks...

Undercarriage shots.

Maybe I veg. a little long, so what??:eyesmoke:

Meanwhile back at the hydroplant, all the girls have grown at least an inch a day over the past four days.

I'll do the trellis tomorrow; forgot tonight was bowling league. :bigjoint: :bigjoint: :bigjoint: :bigjoint:

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Weed growing is a pleasant medley of science, engineering and art. :spew: That's why I get roasted on the shit. :weed:

At some point in my career, I decided to stop listening to all the new age wives' tales the high school kid behind the grow-store counter had to tell me. What the hell does what well, and will that pinup model on the bloom stim. bottle really make sweet love to me and my plants the way her fuckme eyes indicate? These questions and more demanded hard evidence, not just the smell of molasses.

Regarding TDS/EC/ppm issues, I've found these two charts from Cervantes' bible to be immensely helpful:

With Hanna meters it's a 1mS/cm=500ppm ratio I believe. Regardless of what you're using, I advise getting the all of the calibration liquids as well and to keep the electrode fucking spotless. Never trust your meter to stay calibrated on its own! High end instruments need to be fine tuned constantly. I recal with both ppm/EC and ph every night before adding nutes to water, rinse the wand with distilled water and put in a small regularly replenished container of storage solution. Never let that electrode wand sucker dry out; you will pay the price soon enough by having to purchase another one.

Enough of this nonsense, I'm gonna go rip some tubes. bongsmiliebongsmilie

j h

Well-Known Member
subscribed thanks for all the info old frog...this thread is goin to be really informative...respect


Active Member
hey old frog just wondering do you re-use your hydroton after a grow or just buy more?
also wats the covering your using on top of your cubes is it to stop alge growing? cheers


Well-Known Member

Jack Flash two weeks form harvest.

Gotta bump this pic because it fucking freaks me.

This is why I'll be growing Sensi's Jack Flash next.

...and I want a pheno' like you got Frog.

Looks like fucking popcorn! :hump:


Well-Known Member
I was about to say it looks like the bud is buldging from the sides or something that shit looks killer right there. Is this Jack Flash from TGA or from Sensi?
