Oklahoma Senate Passes Life Sentence for Hash Making


New Member
I am sorry laughing duck, I wish a lawyer could do something about this or something, maybe someone will help you I wish I could :(

Please everyone get out of Oklahoma if you can this sounds very dangerous for everyone including non-smokers and non-growers. You could have been easily exposed to CANNABIS on your person/property directly or indirectly you could have wild cannabis in your ditch hell or maybe someone threw out a roach. A life sentance for having something that occurs in nature or even possession of any object short of a weapon of mass destruction is not freedom, wow just wow scary stuff folks, if thats not a police state I don't know what is.

jeff f

New Member
As soon as I can afford to get out, I will. I am thinking about New Mexico, but I have almost lost everything, likely will by the time it is over.
fucking blows man. thats my worst fear, getting caught. i dont grow very much, only 3 in flower right now, and i dont sell, but if i got caught, the locals would hold me up as the antichrist.

meanwhile, the retired police chief from a neighboring town who raped a 14 year old downs syndrome girl and got away with it cuz she was an "unreliable" witness, is still walking the street collecting his pension. and he just got accused of kiddy porn.

its totally fucking ridiculous