Okay, so I was thinking of the Governments ad campaign against the herb...


Okay, if anyone has been watching MTV as of late (don't blame me, I get to baked to change the channel sometimes, hehe) Then you'd notice the ads have recently changed focus on their messages from "Marijuana is dangerous" to "Marijuana will make you lazy"...

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it interesting how now the government feels it has responsibility to protect our ourselves from "falling lazy"? goddamn, not every stoner is so lazy. isn't it a constitutional right (freedom of speech) to fall lazy if one need want to???

Seriously, I'm wondering if anyone else has notice that...if marijuana only causes laziness, than why is it banned? surely, someone should point this out to Obama, who I had once faith in, but...now think of him as traitorous as the republicans in lying (he said he'd legalize)...wow, I hate government:sad:


Well-Known Member
Okay, if anyone has been watching MTV as of late (don't blame me, I get to baked to change the channel sometimes, hehe) Then you'd notice the ads have recently changed focus on their messages from "Marijuana is dangerous" to "Marijuana will make you lazy"...

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it interesting how now the government feels it has responsibility to protect our ourselves from "falling lazy"? goddamn, not every stoner is so lazy. isn't it a constitutional right (freedom of speech) to fall lazy if one need want to???

Seriously, I'm wondering if anyone else has notice that...if marijuana only causes laziness, than why is it banned? surely, someone should point this out to Obama, who I had once faith in, but...now think of him as traitorous as the republicans in lying (he said he'd legalize)...wow, I hate government:sad:
bro, pack another bowl to the head and calm the fuck down.

It's gonna happen, or it's not gonna happen. It's been mon ths of him being in office, lets let him fix some things "leaking" in the white house before he tackles things like the MJ legalization movement, which would more than likely be in his second term if at all.

we're not getting attacked, and he comes up with cool slogns for our econmic debt crisis to make it sounds like a fun game


bro, pack another bowl to the head and calm the fuck down.

It's gonna happen, or it's not gonna happen. It's been mon ths of him being in office, lets let him fix some things "leaking" in the white house before he tackles things like the MJ legalization movement, which would more than likely be in his second term if at all.

we're not getting attacked, and he comes up with cool slogns for our econmic debt crisis to make it sounds like a fun game

Hrm...is it in Obama's policy to consider legalizing marijuana as a form of "economic relief"? because I remember laughing from him at the prospect of it, making jokes of a serious issue.

well, I am totally independent on issues from the mainstream politics, I just know that I'm a leftist who'll support anyone who accomplish said issues.


Well-Known Member
The gangsters and the govt and the law are one and the same.
They do not want to make it legal because then they won't have the monopoly on the profits and they will have to
pay taxes. They can also get cheap free sex from chicks by threatening to arrest them if they don't comply.

There is no serious evidence against cannabis.
Its just one big extortion racket,
Exactly the same as alcohol was a century ago.

The press invent a new excuse against it almost every week,
and nothing is consistant in what they say.

If laziness was the issue, then laziness would be the crime.

One week it makes you too aggressive, then the next week it makes you too passive.
How can both these arguments be true? Its kak.


When I ran a legalization protest 13 years ago all the dealers and the growers in my area
were totally hostile to me. Even more hostile than the cops.

The big-time dealers DO NOT WANT IT LEGAL.

And that is the BIGGEST problem of all.
Its a fucking boondoggle.

But keep at it.
Don't let this make you give up.
Just realise that you are campaigning in the wrong way.

Those who are most against it, are actually for it,
but they just want all the profits for themselves.

Selfish kants.

Is jy 'n regte umlungu?

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Right after Obama was elected i called the white house and left a message for them to stop lying to our children with their anti drug ads.I told them the kids are smart and see all of their freinds smoking pot and not doing any of the things the ads say that pot does to them.I also told them that when kids find out that they are being lied to about pot,that they will be more likely to try harder drugs that will kill them.
I hope that with the statement Obama said about doing away with all of the laws that do not work or are based on lies will be changed.He knows that if he legilized marijuana,he would not be able to get anything done with the problems he has on his plate.I am willing to wait and give him and his people a chance to solve the most pressing problems before i start calling him Bush.OPH


Well-Known Member
everyone was worshiping obama not 2 months ago!!!!!
I was telling everyone the hole time. he is a politician!!!!! Witch means he is lying just like they all do. Every election they promise all this carp. But for some reason when this guy says it everyone falls in love with him.
HELLO !!!!!! Obama will let you, me, and everyone down. I guarantee he is a big fat freaking lier.
I am shocked that so many people follow this guy blindly.
he will slowly (or quickly) kill this country and so many people are encouraging it.

I just want freedom and justice the way that was intended for our great country.



Well-Known Member
republicans crack me up...

"oh no here comes the deadly Obama"

truth be told, Obama could nuke our country and at the end of the day, he'll go down as a better president than the one we had the last 8 years (BUSHWHACKER)


Well-Known Member
republicans crack me up...

"oh no here comes the deadly Obama"

truth be told, Obama could nuke our country and at the end of the day, he'll go down as a better president than the one we had the last 8 years (BUSHWHACKER)
where did you get the idea that I am a republican and a Bush fan????

just because I don't like Obama?


Well-Known Member
who said i support obama?

i havent voted in 3 elections, i live in Fl and learned first hand that my vote doesnt matter.

Politics are BS i get enough of em in sports.

i just smoke my herb and laugh at yall that freak about this kind of shit.

I just dont get why everyone hates on him and theyre reasoning is (i dont like him because hes just like every other politician - a liar).......

ok.... great conclusions


Active Member
republicans crack me up...

"oh no here comes the deadly obama"

truth be told, obama could nuke our country and at the end of the day, he'll go down as a better president than the one we had the last 8 years (bushwhacker)
the law , the rules , kiss my azz, life is for living dudes .
Our time is soon me brothers . U.k lawbreaker


Well-Known Member
I voted for Obama, but it was not with the confidence I was hoping to impart to the candidate that got my vote. I voted for him because I wanted NOTHING to do with McCain and Palin. FUCK THOSE TWO. I'm disappointed in Obama... because he lied to all of us. And he's done a shitty job so far. He's fucked Detroit over and he's done it with a shit eating grin on his face... and I don't think I'll ever forgive him for that.


Well-Known Member
The auto industry is centered here and was in need of either cooperation from the banks... which our government gave BILLIONS of dollars to last autumn in order to prevent an economic collapse... or financial aid from the government itself. Obama did offer some help, but the terms are near impossible... one of the Big 3 (Ford) decided they'd try and tough things out on their own rather than get wrapped up in the plan the government was pitching. Obama was dissatisfied with how General Motors (GM) was being run, so he forced their CEO to RESIGN. Yes, that's right, the President told the CEO of a non-governmental entity that he was DONE. Now GM has stopped production for up to 19 weeks to try and get rid of their surplus, people are out of work and ...

It's a huge mess. I could look up some articles that've been in the news recently if you'd like to know more about this.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, I had heard that obama told the CEO to resign and thought that was absolute bullshit. Sure id love to read up some more on the subject, just got busted and am sober so I really have nothing to do anymore.