Ok Y'all, Finally took some 2c-e last night!


Just woke up around 3 pm. after falling asleep at about 9a.m. I took the 10-11 mg dose at around 1230 a.m.

My biggest fear before coming into this was pretty much all these damn stories I read on forums about the compound(Sometimes reading the stories will aid in giving you a bad feeling while you're tripping but it's best to know all possiblites). I mean, I literally read through all those Big and Dandy 2c threads and the #1 common thing I read that made me nervous was all the nausea talk from everyone.

I fucking hate throwing up and nausea is just not my friend at all. I can't remember the last time I threw up from liqour. Also, the stories of all the BODY LOAD must people seemed to get.

Well, I went ahead with it any way because I've been looking to trip for a while now and had 0 success mushroom hunting and acid is impossible to find.

I dumped my 10 mg into a glass of vodka and mixed it with pepsi. "Damn, this chem amount was SOO tiny" I thought, "there's no way this does anything to me". But after about 45 minutes I could feel a nice body buzz. Nothing too overwhelming just a nice chill feel like something good was about to happen.

Approximately 1 1/2 -2 hrs deep I was seeing the visuals I've oh so long been wanting to witness for myself. Senses enhanced to the MAX. I would hear noises all around me from outside, people talking outside, and just noises everywhere.

Music...Was pretty amazing. I just basically watched the digital music channel on tv where it would show the face of the artist. Non stop morphing, everything was just shifting in size and color. Me and my boy tripping were laughing non stop at all the pictures the were showing because it looked like the artist was looking at us and they were making all these weird fucking faces at us because they knew we were fucked.

Crazy part for me was when I walked in the kitchen and I just looked down at the ground... And I felt Like I was standing on liquid. The kitchen floor is tile with like those marble patterns on it. And it just looked like a floating stream I was standing on. Everything on the tile looked like living organisms just being washed away. Seriously, I stood in the kitchen looking at the fucking ground for a good 30 mins. if not more.

Once I got really bold enough, I made the move of finally walking in the bathroom, emptying my bladder, and looking at my reflection in the mirror. I basically just watching my face go from a baby to an old ass man right before my eyes. BUt nothing terrifiying at all. That's what just made me feel so good over how much control I had. My face morphed pretty much how much I would allow it. And not once did I feel uneasy. NOW, being by myself I could see being super fucking parinoid and weird feeling because you just hear so much shit and feeling like everything (walls included) are looking at you. Yea, it'd be weird by yourself...

Too be honest, the whole trip I just couldn't stop telling myself that. "Damn, I have no bad feelings at all. Matter a fact, I feel 100% completly fucking normal!" I was not expecting that but it made my night just go SOOO smooth. I had to literally convince my self a few times that I was tripping. Everything was so wacked out yet seemed so....Normal. It was great.

At times when I would just blank out and stare, I would nice trails of color in my vision. Like patterns just racing around me in different colors and when the music was playing, it's like the different beats would control the colors I would see and what shapes they would go in.
When I would look at the carpet, or just stare at anything, That's when these vibrant colors would just start racing through my vision. Crazy shapes man. When I was looking at the ground it looked like I was looking through one of the kaliscopes and shapes were just poping up, and just changing rapidly. I was trying to figure out what they were but the would just change so fucking fast but these definatly weren't just random shapes. They were images that I couldn't make out? Man it was just so different. Like roses, angels, wings. Big, bright, colorful images that I couldn't really make out and I wish I could've. Oh well, better luck next time I guess.

I won't lie, I have no idea how people could handel "ego death" just being completly lost in their mind. I thought about that a few times last night because I feel like if I just "Let Go" I could've been shifted off somewhere else but after zoning out for a few minutes, I would just snape out of it and be like "ok, that's enough" (yeah, call me a wimp.) and get back to talking. Keep in mind, this was off 10 no more then 12 mg. I can't imagine someone on 20, let alone someone bold enough for 30mg like I hear plenty of people try here. It'd just be way too intense and that's how you lose control of your thoughts and shit can go bad. I had complete control and that made everything so much better.

One of the best experiences ever. Although I wish it was more introspective. I believe it was because of my setting though. I had a friend over who tried it too and we just chilled and experienced these EXACT same feelings together. Next time I really want to just close myself in my room, listen to my ipod and just let my mind take me to a deep place it's never been so I can feel like I've really learned something about myself and the world.

Last night was just mainly trippy as fuck and hella fun. I'll do 10 again next time (in about 1 month) and my 3rd trip I will definetly up it to 15 mg and feel like a big boy!


At 6 am. I noticed there were no signs of this trip slowing down at all! And at that point I was just like, "ok, enough already, I would like to go home (i was at my bros house). So my homeboy who tripped with me gave me a bar and after about 45 minutes I was completly back to normal.
Today, thank god I have no mdma type crash like I was fearing. I just feel fucking tired because I didn't get much sleep. But in no way, shape or form do I feel like I was on a substance last night. And that is a GOOD thing. God, just thinking of those mdma crashes is reminding me while I'll never do that shit again.

Also, my lil bro took some 2c-i I had. around 13 mgs. he didn't like it. It took around 2 hrs before anything kicked in and he just looked REALLY uncomfortable. Once he finally started noticed the carpet,wall and shit move he just couldn't enjoy it because he was saying the body load was TOO much and he was just way to uneasy feeling.

Looking at him almost ruined my trip because it was obvious he felt like shit but he told me he was alright just felt a heavy body load and nausea (he tried to throw up but couldn't). He poped a bar, and he was good.

Thanks so much for everyone reading. If anyones remember my post about wanting to try this a while back. It was so much wroth it and I'm happy my body reacted so well to it. NO NAUSEA YAH!

ANyone has any questions please ask!


hey man sounds like you had a pretty fun time haha. I'm should be receiving some 2c-e in the mail Monday and will be tripping and selling some to my friends. My only problem with this substance is I am worried about the effects on the brain. I'm pretty smart and am hoping to become an anesthesiologist and don't want 2c-e fuckin up my brain and future. Anybody know possible effects on the brain of this subtance?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
hey man sounds like you had a pretty fun time haha. I'm should be receiving some 2c-e in the mail Monday and will be tripping and selling some to my friends. My only problem with this substance is I am worried about the effects on the brain. I'm pretty smart and am hoping to become an anesthesiologist and don't want 2c-e fuckin up my brain and future. Anybody know possible effects on the brain of this subtance?
You should be fine, I have never had any problems with the synthetics, or natural for that matter. And, I aint no slouch upstairs either.

Always, try Erowid.org for any more answers.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member

Sounds like you had a fun night except for the baby sitting...is your bro a little high-strung?
So jealous! It takes me around 30mg to get effects like that. Doubt I would even notice 11mg. My 2C-E didn't last half enough. Tolerence is the bane of my life!



Sounds like you had a fun night except for the baby sitting...is your bro a little high-strung?
I just don't know. He doesn't react well to many drugs except weed. Me and him used to be on mdma a lot but he just fucking hated the next day crashed out feel. (SO DO I!) Plus, he ended up taking a bad transformer one night and ended up having psychotic thoughts so that was the last of the x phase for him.

I just wanted him to be a sitter last night but he insisted he wanted to try the 2c-i. (I didn't want him on the 2c-e because I know it can be mentally deep and didn't think he was ready for the trip.)

Turns out, the trip really wasn't mentally deep at all for me. (Surely it was because of the low dose) and mainly just wicked visuals and very good body high.

He probably would've been better off with the 2c-e. And after his experience. I'm actually thinking about dumping the rest of my 2c-i (around 100mg) and just stick to 2c-e. That was such an amazing experience last night. I'm still trying to recall it all.


So jealous! It takes me around 30mg to get effects like that. Doubt I would even notice 11mg. My 2C-E didn't last half enough. Tolerence is the bane of my life!
Lol, I was repeatedly telling myself last night, "5 more mg and I'd be fucking lost in a sea of visuals!"

I think that'd be way too intense for me man. Keep in mind, I've never done shrooms, acid, or any other kind of pyschedelic so that's probably why I had such strong affects on such a low dose.

But then again, my homeboy who I gave 10 mg also to has been on EVERYTHING. he had no idea what 2c-e was but he's experienced with acid,shrooms etc.

And he tripped probably harder then me! He also snorted around 3 mg of the 2c-i so that just shot him through the roof.

He had me nervous at first when I asked him. "how do you feel?" and he responded with "I don't know? I'm confused dog."

That scared me. Luckily once I told him I started feeling how he was feeling he got way more comfortable and me and him just had the time of our life last night.

So fucking fun man!


Active Member
hehe nice, Ive done 50mgs before and yeah its foookin crazy ahah. First two hours after comming up is so mental the visuals are so strong you cant really see that much but if your in a safe/nice place like I was at a friends its an amazing experience :) definitely try higher doses :D