Ok so how do my little ones look to you? Making sure I"m not missing something


Active Member
OK here are some pics of my little ones. they are all different types... no idea what kinda. I figured I would put some pics up here and hope some of you can tell me everything is ok.

I'm using an aerogarden, with a 150 HPS, along with a 40-60 gallon air pump with 2 4" airstones. I'm currently using the AG food.

I currently have a problem that my girls are having trouble holding their own weight. falling to one side or another. hence the green zip tie. Any idea's on how to help get it back on track?



Active Member
my oldest is 3 weeks and the other ones are week and a half... how close can I get with out burning... I was told 12"


Well-Known Member
OK here are some pics of my little ones. they are all different types... no idea what kinda. I figured I would put some pics up here and hope some of you can tell me everything is ok.

I'm using an aerogarden, with a 150 HPS, along with a 40-60 gallon air pump with 2 4" airstones. I'm currently using the AG food.

I currently have a problem that my girls are having trouble holding their own weight. falling to one side or another. hence the green zip tie. Any idea's on how to help get it back on track?
Hey there!!

From what i have learned so far is to use a oscillating fan , lose the tin foil I see wood just paint it flat white and go slow with the nutes no need to rush. Your plants should get stronger with the use of the fan and just by going slow with the nutes you wont have burn issues and you can adjust as nessary. PH PH PH watch your PH keep it under control 5.5 to 6.5 with 5.8 being the best. Remember water, air and light keep these 3 things in top order and everything should fall into place. Over all your doing just fine my friend.

Good luck

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Active Member
Im no expert, but you definitely need to use an ocillating fan. Also, about once every couple of days, I push on the stem very easily in each direction. I made my own little aeroponics garden and my plants are about 3 weeks as well. The plant stems are now strong enough so that when the wind from the fan passes by, only the leaves move.


Well-Known Member
Move the light as close as possible to the plants. The higher the light, the more the plant will grow vertically, and will be more flimsy. U can move the light as close as you want, as long as it doesnt get too hot on the tops. Just stick your hand above the top and if it feels too hot for you, its probably too hot for the plants. And yes, I agree on removing the foil. it creates heat and hot spots. Some black and white poly would work great if u can get some. A LIGHT breeze will help the plants become more sturdy as well.


Well-Known Member
Ok to wrap everything up..
-get rid of foil and paint flat white(doesnt reflect well, creates hot spots)
-get an oscillating fan(the breeze will strengthen the stems)
-easy on the nutes(start with 1/4 strength then move up)
-drop light as close as you can(test with your hand)


Active Member
Ok... I'll lose the foil... One of my plants new leaves curled under today??? And from what I'm told ideal temps is 75F I can't get mine below 80F and avg 83 84 My house alone doesn't get under 80F shitty A/C. Should I really be worried?


Well-Known Member
No worries, up to 85 is perfectly fine. Even short heat spikes higher than that are ok, as long as they dont last too long. I had some heat problems a few years ago, temps around 90-100 most of the time, and about 85-90 percent of the plants died!!!
Ok... I'll lose the foil... One of my plants new leaves curled under today??? And from what I'm told ideal temps is 75F I can't get mine below 80F and avg 83 84 My house alone doesn't get under 80F shitty A/C. Should I really be worried?


Active Member
i've got 3 4" hight volume fans running 24/7. If my leaves are starting to curl a little would that be from lack of food? I've got some on a younger plant that curled under and my older plant the very edge of the leaf is curling up not all of the leaves but some? When my light is off It hangs around 75f. Should I think of side lights I seem to get over lapping of my leaves? my camera is charging will put pick up later today