ok... now my life's complete... for the next 3 months.


Well-Known Member
i got a 3 month prescription of temazepam (benzodiazepine) and holy guacamole... it's like i'm drunk and on a very extremely low dose of mdma @ the same time... i f'n love it!!

don't worry, though -- i'm not abusing it... i only take one in the early afternoon and i'm set for the rest of the day.

that is all... :)


Well-Known Member
But like all benzos highly addictive and also when you build a tolereance you'll have to take a lot more for that feeling you get now, Benzos are benzos.

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
I'd personally pull myself away from them now if I were you.... Very VERY addicting man... And by the sounds of it, Your a perfect canidate....Quit now while you still have a chance.... The med industry is the biggest drug dealer in the drug industry...


Well-Known Member
Man when you start fucking with all these meds and abuse them, the long term affect is fucking horrible. My good friend growing up started up on e, then oxy and on the fucking everything. Now he is living on the 10th floor in a fucking mental assylum. Trust me they are fun at parties and shit, but once it takes over your day to day life, YOUR FUCKED. Remember, you dont control your addiction, it controlls you.
I was lying in a hospital bed dying because I mixed a bottle of liquid codiene with a 40 of voldka, if I didnt get my stomach pumpped tht night I would have been another statistic.


Active Member
Here is your liver. -> ( :) )
Here is your liver on synthetic addictive prescription pills. -> ( sdklfsd flsdjafnlksdafnklsdafnsdaf )

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
benzos are easier to stop using than pain pills.. i thought so anyways.. i been through all the stages and found myself using ganja instead now


Well-Known Member
read it slow i said its prescribed for insomnia not HE got it for insomnia look it up its main prescript if for insomnia

partly my bad i didnt put in the comma read it as this

hrmm havent heard of this one, prescribed for insomnia? (As a question becuase it usually is)