ok i got a pic some one help


Well-Known Member
just do what that guy from that movie did....

not enough info dude.

are/what/how much are you feeding? are they rooted(doesnt look like it to me)? temps/humidity?


Active Member
the temp is about 80 humidity i dont kno and yeah i am feeding them thrie alive green for rooting by technafloral i feed her 3 times by spray bottle yesterday should she be in a humidity dome


Active Member
they mayb over watered rather then over how much should i spray at a time should i even be using a spray method to feed her and no there are really no roots the clone is like 3 days old


Well-Known Member
if they don't have roots yet them they may need a dome. i usually use a dome for the first 3 days. then i remove the dome and let them do their thing.
if they aren't rooted yet it would be hard for them to be over watered. so it can't really be over watering.


Well-Known Member
i tend to agree with FDD. im also leaning toward that theyre not really rooted yet.

i would stop misting them and put them under a dome. if they perk up within a day they arent rooted yet. i call mine rooted when i can take off the dome for an hour or two and they dont start to look like yours. i wouldnt mist them nearly as often either. its my opinion that if you give them all they want via thier leaves why should they try to grow roots? keep your rockwool damp but not soaked by any means.


Active Member
thanx for the info man i have a dome should there be holes in the top or no i have seen some people cut whole in the top but wouldnt that let the humidity out