OhioGrassMan69's 2013 outdoor grow journal. 8 ft monsters

2013 and the springs a' comin. I have my seeds germinating on the cable box and theyre cracking open.Soil bags line my basement walls and my clone box is all working. Theres 4 -2 week old seedlings and around 20 germing seeds in jiffy peat plugs. all are guarantee to sprout just gotta give another week andd keep misting everyother day that should do the trick. My grw box consist of 5 26 watt cfl bulbss with a heat pad on LOW ! otherwise theyll burn up. got my tuba wear 12"x8" box and clear wrap on top to keep it humid now i can give it a extra day or two without water. Heres the video if i can upload it somehow. By the way this is some strog ass midss froom the best batch i had this year large chunky nugs light hairs almost lik ejush. And my bro is hooking me up with a Og kush clone. The Og is strong shit ive smoked it. But heres the vid/
