*Oh Oh, here comes the pain:ATTACK APPROVED!!


Well-Known Member
Exactly correct, undertheice. Dictators are bullies. They strut, bluff, huff and puff and continue to do so under our policies of appeasement. As long as we appease, they think we are soft. The best thing we could do to stop Iran's nuclear weapons development, would be to place OUR missiles into Israel and point them right at the Mulla leaders of Iran, with the unmistakable message, and a timetable, for Iran to dismantle any nukes now under construction.

Honestly, so many Americans are devoid of history. Here in our recent past, the Soviet Union placed nuclear weapons on the shores of Cuba. President Kennedy gave the Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev an ultimatum: Either remove the missiles from Cuba by a date certain, or we will impose nuclear war upon the Kremlin. Americans moved to action. The missiles were removed from Cuba post haste.

Like the bluffing bully the Soviet Union was, so is the leadership of Iran.


PS: Dankdude ... please post your sources for your position on China's military strength. Thanks ...

Vi look it up your self and try to prove me wrong....
I can't post my cousin up here who just retired from the Air Force as a Master Sargent.
One thing you have to take into consideration is the population of China and the percentage of that population whom are in the military.
Second the fact that China is a communist country, Military Service is Required of the Male population.

China's Military Strength
China's Military Strength Growing, Defense Department Says

Shamegame, Post your sources on China's Nuclear Strength


New Member
Dank ... this is an excerpt from one of the links you provided:

"Today, China's ability to sustain military power at a distance is limited. However, as the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review Report notes, "China has the greatest potential to compete militarily with the United States and field disruptive military technologies that could over time offset traditional U.S. military advantages." In the near term, China's military build-up appears focused on preparing for Taiwan Strait contingencies, including the possibility of U.S. intervention. However, analysis of China's military acquisitions suggest it is also generating capabilities that could apply to other regional contingencies, such as conflicts over resources or territory."

That's a little different than your exaggerated statements regarding China's military power, wouldn't you say? Here's what you said:

Did you forget about China? They have 5 times the Army than the United States, 3 time the Weaponry and in a conventional or Nuclear War would hand our asses to us.

Please explain. Thanks ...

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Vi don't get dense with me.
Money and shear numbers. In A conventional war they would over run us. You know as well as I do that in a country like China that there is mandatory Military service.
China has 1/4 of the world population, in case you haven't noticed that their economy is gotten larger over the years. They have the money to spend on a military.
They have developed the technology to knock out our satellites, do you honestly think that they are being honest about their Nuclear arsenal?
Did you miss the fact that I have a cousin who just retired as a Master Sergeant from the Air Force?
He also backs this up.
BTW you have yet to show me where they don't.. Please back up your assumptions Vi.
You are so convinced of the US's military superiority that you refuse to look at the fact that other countries may and do have it over us.
Oh and please stop with the condescending "Please explain. Thanks."

Other things for you to chew on:

Is China's Military a Threat? - TIME

US Hegemony Spawns Russian-Chinese Military Alliance - by Paul Craig Roberts

Newsmax.com - China Recruits Intellectuals for Military Superiority

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- China: Let The War Games Begin

FSO: Global Analysis with J. R. Nyquist "China's Military Strategy" 03/09/2007

Taipei Times - archives

China's Military


Well-Known Member
Vi don't get dense with me.
Money and shear numbers. In A conventional war they would over run us. You know as well as I do that in a country like China that there is mandatory Military service.
China has 1/4 of the world population, in case you haven't noticed that their economy is gotten larger over the years. They have the money to spend on a military.
They have developed the technology to knock out our satellites, do you honestly think that they are being honest about their Nuclear arsenal?
Did you miss the fact that I have a cousin who just retired as a Master Sergeant from the Air Force?
He also backs this up.
BTW you have yet to show me where they don't.. Please back up your assumptions Vi.
You are so convinced of the US's military superiority that you refuse to look at the fact that other countries may and do have it over us.
Oh and please stop with the condescending "Please explain. Thanks."

Other things for you to chew on:

Is China's Military a Threat? - TIME

US Hegemony Spawns Russian-Chinese Military Alliance - by Paul Craig Roberts

Newsmax.com - China Recruits Intellectuals for Military Superiority

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- China: Let The War Games Begin

FSO: Global Analysis with J. R. Nyquist "China's Military Strategy" 03/09/2007

Taipei Times - archives

China's Military
Dank, China's military is dependent on foreign technology. They're weapons are all Russian made. You know they still use the MIG?

They cannot come out with new technology themselves, they either buy it or mimic it. You see their version of the iPhone?

If we were to cut them off, they would be technologically backwards in a few years giving us the edge, and we could cut them off, we have a superior navy. With us having a superior navy, how in the hell are they going to sail across the pacific to attack us? Magic? They may have the numbers but they don't have the means.


Well-Known Member
well seems like all you know it alls who think u know how to reduce threats in the world seem wrong as always as you were wrong about the fall of the soviet union, as you were wrong about the fall of saddam, And now as you were wrong about us not using our great power to cadjole peace around the world

looks like the iranians are blinking:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: BURN!!!!!!!!!

Official: US envoy to meet Iranian nuke negotiator

The Associated Press
Tue, Jul 15, 2008 (6:39 p.m.)

The Associated Press has learned that a top U.S. diplomat will join colleagues from other world powers at a weekend meeting with Iran's chief nuclear negotiator in a break with past Bush administration policy.
A senior U.S. official tells the AP that William Burns, America's third-highest ranking diplomat, will for first time attend talks with the Iranian envoy in Switzerland aimed at persuading Iran to halt activities that could lead to the development of atomic weapons.

The United States is part of a six-nation effort to get Iran to stop enriching uranium but the Bush administration has shunned previous talks with the Iranians on the matter. The official says Burns is going to the Saturday meeting demonstrate U.S. commitment to a negotiated deal.


New Member
The Dankster sez ...

"Vi don't get dense with me.
Money and shear numbers. In A conventional war they would over run us. You know as well as I do that in a country like China that there is mandatory Military service.
China has 1/4 of the world population, in case you haven't noticed that their economy is gotten larger over the years. They have the money to spend on a military.
They have developed the technology to knock out our satellites, do you honestly think that they are being honest about their Nuclear arsenal?
Did you miss the fact that I have a cousin who just retired as a Master Sergeant from the Air Force?
He also backs this up.
BTW you have yet to show me where they don't.. Please back up your assumptions Vi.
You are so convinced of the US's military superiority that you refuse to look at the fact that other countries may and do have it over us.
Oh and please stop with the condescending "Please explain. Thanks."

Please accept my apologies, Dank. I had completely forgotten that you have a cousin who just retired as a Master Sergeant from the Air Force. That certainly places your credibility in all things military into a non-disputable category. Again, my most sincere apologies, sir. :blsmoke:



New Member
The Dankster sez ...

"Vi don't get dense with me.
Money and shear numbers. In A conventional war they would over run us. You know as well as I do that in a country like China that there is mandatory Military service.
China has 1/4 of the world population, in case you haven't noticed that their economy is gotten larger over the years. They have the money to spend on a military.
They have developed the technology to knock out our satellites, do you honestly think that they are being honest about their Nuclear arsenal?
Did you miss the fact that I have a cousin who just retired as a Master Sergeant from the Air Force?
He also backs this up.
BTW you have yet to show me where they don't.. Please back up your assumptions Vi.
You are so convinced of the US's military superiority that you refuse to look at the fact that other countries may and do have it over us.
Oh and please stop with the condescending "Please explain. Thanks."

Please accept my apologies, Dank. I had completely forgotten that you have a cousin who just retired as a Master Sergeant from the Air Force. That certainly places your credibility in all things military into a non-disputable category. Again, my most sincere apologies, sir. :blsmoke:

This could get interesting, I stayin out of it. I do have my opinions though, as you know I do.


New Member
What I find interesting, and quite funny, is that Dank made some pretty exaggerated claims about the Chinese military ... and posted links to prove his points. I read the links, then posted excerpts from those links that disproved the Danksters claims. His response? "Don't get dense with me."

What's a guy to do with logic like that? :?



Well-Known Member
well seems like all you know it alls who think u know how to reduce threats in the world seem wrong as always as you were wrong about the fall of the soviet union, as you were wrong about the fall of saddam, And now as you were wrong about us not using our great power to cadjole peace around the world

looks like the iranians are blinking:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: BURN!!!!!!!!!

Official: US envoy to meet Iranian nuke negotiator

The Associated Press
Tue, Jul 15, 2008 (6:39 p.m.)

The Associated Press has learned that a top U.S. diplomat will join colleagues from other world powers at a weekend meeting with Iran's chief nuclear negotiator in a break with past Bush administration policy.
A senior U.S. official tells the AP that William Burns, America's third-highest ranking diplomat, will for first time attend talks with the Iranian envoy in Switzerland aimed at persuading Iran to halt activities that could lead to the development of atomic weapons.

The United States is part of a six-nation effort to get Iran to stop enriching uranium but the Bush administration has shunned previous talks with the Iranians on the matter. The official says Burns is going to the Saturday meeting demonstrate U.S. commitment to a negotiated deal.
they said this would be the last negotiation too.

let's hope Iran complies eh?


New Member
how many countries has this guy invaded?
Iraq for one ... and that's while our troop are engaged there. How many of our troops have been killed by Iranian weapons and their military personel crossing the border in covert operations?

Troops Authorized to Kill Iranian Operatives in Iraq - washingtonpost.com



DefenseLink News Article: Iran Arming, Training, Directing Terror Groups in Iraq, U.S. Official Says



Well-Known Member
Actually Panda there was no burn, just ignorance on yours, Vi's and the rest of your parts.
When China enters the fray I will be the one who will tell you that I told you so.


Well-Known Member
ok chicken hawk, im drunk right now , i think its funny me and v use the same color type, i keep thinking people quoting me and im about to retort, but then we got the v snapped back at them,

he who is very vocabules


New Member
~lol~ ... I had this color before you did Panda.

We have to be very careful, or Dank and Med will want to "level the playing field" by introducing government controls that will put us both back to the standard black type. Can't have too many folks getting all greedy over the blue type, ya know. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
And its not just with Iran. Why might we be hated around the world? because of our "freedoms" right? lmao. The CIA loves destroying other countries.

Bay of Pigs Invasion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indonesia: Second Greatest Crime of Century: 1958: The First CIA Attempt

United States invasion of Panama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CIA and Contras cocaine trafficking in the US - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is just my little humble opinion, but seems like the war on terror should be taking place in washington dc...


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about the plane that hit the Pentagon?
No, im talking about the government using 9/11 as a pretext to infringe on the same rights they are supposed to be upholding. But i guess i cant be 100% mad at them... if citizens dont realize that power lies with the people, nothing will ever be changed. Hell, some people love the complacency of believing that their great government could do no wrong.

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia