OH CRAP! I Think I am a Lesbian


Well-Known Member
I dont want to have sex with men and I really like doing nasty things with hot young women. Does that make me a lesbian? I always thought I was just a horny old man and then I smoked another joint and started thinking......:hump:


Well-Known Member
well, with that reasoning..could you say that straight guys could be classified as lesbians and straight women could be classified as gays? :D hehe


;> Hey you know... people need less red heads. I'd like it if you chewed balls tho. :l But it of course means that you taking it serious. I respect you, It's mutual with most women to get freakish about that in High School. I don't know every many womens but I had this BI-happy GF and she has had a BF for 3 yeers :0. I think lost people cherish you will have lotta good times if you have hippy parents then you should be specific to them. Or I dunno what yur asking. Hook up with hotter girls.

Everything I type on this comment if not from fortune cookies its from my training Seryuki Sokai.

drew k.420

Active Member
son of a bitch....i hate sex with men and love doing nasty stuff to young hot girls too.... NOOOOOOOO!!!!im a damn lesbian ,and the whole time i thought i was str8.SHIT!!!! im just gonna smoke myself to death...lol