Ocean forest with dyna-gro grow and bloom helpppppp!!!!!

So I have 5 bagseed plants about 3.5 weeks old growing under 4 23watt clfs 11000k in fox farm ocean forest in a half gallon container I just received my order of dyna-gro grow and dyna-gro blooming mixed .5ml of grow and .5ml bloom to a gal of water and just watered I plan to switch to flowering next week but what I need help with is a schedule advise how much when flushing strength of mix. This is my first grow so anything will help thanks


Well-Known Member
You might find that if you run your GROW nutes a few weeks more after switching to flower they'll stay nice and green for ya longer into the term.
Everybody has their own method that works best for them but I prefer to use any nutes at half strength and then plain water every other feeding. Even that can be adjusted to the strain your growing as many of them react differently to feeding. You wouldnt think that since they're all one form of plant but its true. Some don't like much nutrient at all while others are heavier feeders. Ya just gotta judge it the best ya can and start out light. Keep in mind if your new to growing most new growers will make the mistake of giving the plant way to much.


Well-Known Member
Cob ^^^ is correct but I'd rank it further and say always add 30% perlite to any FFOF concoction
its way to hot for cannabis, and often runs outta steam about week 2 or 3 of bud
just ensure you flush well come bud feeding time


Well-Known Member
1 bag ffof plus 1/3rd bag of large perlite (the huge ass bag), plus 1 cup dolomite lime is my mix ratio. been using that ratio for 4 years w/o any issues.

I always feed a 100% nute solution just before flipping. its adds a bit more N to the mix before the plant starts to work on flower production. then its 100% feed, 50% feed, water from weeks 1-8 in flower, last week is water only. then harvest. tried and true method for my grows and always super yields.