Obama's Drug Policy


Active Member
Im not bashing legalization believe me im just seeing things realistically.

No you're not, mexican drug cartel is pushin ONE major thing, weed. not coke not heroine, (they do on a VERY small scale) because europe has a better market right now for coke and scag. so legalize weed wipe a clean leg from out under the cartel and act from there, and due to weed legalization hard line drugs would diminish vastly due to the fact YOU CAN BUY WEED AT THE STORE, gangs have less income, plus SOO many ppl smoke, over all i'd say WAAAAY more positives to out weigh the negs bro.



Well-Known Member
these people who run this country are old folks who are set in their ways ,In about 50 yrs it may be legal but no time soon

This makes me physically ill. The people that run this country? You must be talking about "We the People?" Because "We the people" run this country NOT the government!!!! We the people can and will legalize pot. NOT the government. Laws that are not enforceable are laws that are written off and forgotten like: "Leaning with intent to fall" "Spitting on the sidewalk", or "Only being allowed to copulate with the livestock on certain days of the week." If every pothead grew a plant, there would be too many people in violation of the law to justify enforcing it. If they came to take us downtown, they we could rise and take their power away. In 2005 over 750,000 American Citizens got busted with weed. Take those 750,000 people and pit them against every cop in the country. That would be revolution, and that is EXACTLY what we need to legalize pot, secure our 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc... amendments and make sure that our children are able to enjoy real freedom, and not just listen to bedtime stories about it. Do not accept theses watered down "liberties". There is a rash of apathy among us. We are waiting for "them" to legalize weed. "They" will never do it because they don't want it legalized. Nobody never got nothing that didn't raise their voice and push.
Lay down and accept the laws as they are spoon fed to you, and you will fall right into line with Obama and the rest of his SOCIALIST agenda. You will lose ALL of your rights if he has his way. "They" have already been given every rational argument, given every excuse in the face of evidence to the contrary. We need to quit worrying about avenues to convince them, and start thinking about how we will arm ourselves against them because every single one of your inalienable rights are on the chopping block along with life, liberty, and the pursuit of property.


This makes me physically ill. The people that run this country? You must be talking about "We the People?" Because "We the people" run this country NOT the government!!!! We the people can and will legalize pot. NOT the government. Laws that are not enforceable are laws that are written off and forgotten like: "Leaning with intent to fall" "Spitting on the sidewalk", or "Only being allowed to copulate with the livestock on certain days of the week." If every pothead grew a plant, there would be too many people in violation of the law to justify enforcing it. If they came to take us downtown, they we could rise and take their power away. In 2005 over 750,000 American Citizens got busted with weed. Take those 750,000 people and pit them against every cop in the country. That would be revolution, and that is EXACTLY what we need to legalize pot, secure our 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc... amendments and make sure that our children are able to enjoy real freedom, and not just listen to bedtime stories about it. Do not accept theses watered down "liberties". There is a rash of apathy among us. We are waiting for "them" to legalize weed. "They" will never do it because they don't want it legalized. Nobody never got nothing that didn't raise their voice and push.
Lay down and accept the laws as they are spoon fed to you, and you will fall right into line with Obama and the rest of his SOCIALIST agenda. You will lose ALL of your rights if he has his way. "They" have already been given every rational argument, given every excuse in the face of evidence to the contrary. We need to quit worrying about avenues to convince them, and start thinking about how we will arm ourselves against them because every single one of your inalienable rights are on the chopping block along with life, liberty, and the pursuit of property.

Dennis Brown Revolution :joint:


Look...do some research on the subject of sovereignty.

All the "laws" you think are "laws" are merely statutes. We were forced into the system of obeying these statutes, when we were too young to understand the system. Thats right, the day your parents signed your birth certificate, all of your sovereign rights were stripped from you.

Take a look at every document that has your name on it. Drivers liscense, Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Social Security/Social Insurance Card.

Notice anything???? YOUR NAME IS IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Corporations are identified by all capital letters, which is what your birth certificate created...the corporation of FIRST MIDDLE LASTNAME.

The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the REPUBLIC OF CANADA, the STATE OF WASHINGTON....etc are all corporations. Don't believe me? Look them up on Dunn and Bradstreet...it is a business database.

Steps to reclaim your sovereignty. Copyright your FIRST MIDDLE LASTNAME.
File a UCC 1 financing statement....

for more info watch these vids

Canadians: Robert Menard

Americans: Johnny Liberty

As a sovereign....statutes DO NOT APPLY to you.

Also search reclaiming the strawman...BE FREE AND DEFEND YOUR FREEDOM GOD DAMNIT!

Time for Americans to wake up and no longer be "WE THE SHEEPLE" but once again become "WE THE PEOPLE".

God created The Person

The Person created State Government

The State Government created the Federal Government.



THE STATE GOVERNMENT CORPORATION created THE PERSON (notice the use of caps on person)

Knowledge is power, and the only reason you are governed is because you consent to it...knowingly or unknowingly.



Active Member
This makes me physically ill. The people that run this country? You must be talking about "We the People?" Because "We the people" run this country NOT the government!!!!

Show me the last major decision "We The People" made, cuz from where i'm sitting, most of the people are lazy as hell and decide to feel like they're helpless.


Well-Known Member
Can't really argue with that. People are hypnotized by their plasma screens an Xbox's. Like I said, it makes me sick. Too many people are all too willing to let the govt carry them and make decisions for them. I have no idea how to wake everybody up. It is amazing to me how many people bitch about legalization, but are willing to move no farther than their couch to really do anything about it. There is more to our lives than waiting 40 years for laws to change themselves. And there is more to freedom than being allowed to grow pot, or being "allowed" to do anything for that matter. Legalization while nice, is a waste of time and resources. When "We The People" get our freedom back, pot will instantly be legalized along with everything else that does not infringe upon the three self-evident truths.


Well-Known Member
for more info watch these vids

Canadians: Robert Menard

Americans: Johnny Liberty

The thing about Johnny Liberty is that he went to prison for tax evasion. I imagine a Braveheart style battlecry for freedom out of Johnny Liberty, entrails being pulled out like shoestrings before he would do time behind a tyrannical injustice like paying taxes! I watched the American cut of this video, and located the book, and read a couple of other books on sovereignty as you suggested. What I found was that there are so many different ways that you can unknowingly give up your sovereignty that you cannot eventually help but give it away again. In order to keep your sovereignty, blood has to be spilled eventually. If blood has to be spilled one way or the other, I'd just assume skip all the paperwork.


New Member
anyone can make alcohol as well, they don't because it is easier to just buy it. same with weed, do you think we'll have more home growers if they can buy an 1/8 down on the corner? Some will grow, most will pay whatever the market will bear.

There would not be any extra money .. ANYONE CAN GROW WEED .. They would not be able to ""CONTROL"" it .. Thats why its not legal..


Well-Known Member
Umm, industrial hemp is grown all over the place here in Ontario, and our economy is still tanking.. Our government supplies medical marijuana, and its virtually trash..
I hate to say it, but marijuana screws up more kid's futures than alcohol, or any other drug.. Not in a devastating way perhaps, but North America's educational systems really can't afford any more strain, our kids are pathetic compared to alot of foriegn competition..
I know the next argument is age of majority, but most kids drink, and marijuana is easier to handle/conceal (and obtain) as it is now.. Take the illegal drug label off it, and usage will increase dramatically.. Its really tough to go through life constantly drunk, so thats a control factor there, but the same can't exactly be said of dope.. There are a few critical years where excessive pot smoking will screw your chances at making something of yourself.. I mean look at the pride alot of ppl on this board take in being stoned 24/7, and they're all supposed to be 18+.. (Well actually you can't be stoned 24/7, you can just be fried.. You need to respect weed to really enjoy it, and that understanding tends to come with age..)
I like his policy of letting medical users at a state level live in peace, but I wouldn't want him to take it any further than making medical marijuana legal on a federal level..
Eh, perhaps decriminalization with a HEFTY fine (Atleast $1000) is the way to go.. Keep ppl scared from a cost POV so they don't flaunt it like idiots without devastating their futures with criminal records..


Active Member
An IRS agent was tired of being asked for the law that requires USA citizens to pay income taxes. After he couldn't locate one he quit his job and never paid taxes again.
If I could remember his name I would've wrote it.


Well-Known Member
Quit his job and never paid taxes again, and lived happily ever after in prison. If you do business with FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, you HAVE TO PAY TAXES. If you want to organize your own local economy: Get with members of your community and compile a directory of people and businesses to agree to do business with "funny money" that is backed by local goods and services, then print that money and begin to circulate it... What you end up with is a dollar that is stronger than US currency because it is actually backed by something that is worth something. But you are absolutely free from paying taxes on that money. If you have a US dollar in your pocket, you have a legal instrument that you are required to pay taxes on. Any claims made by anyone that say they are not required by law to pay taxes on US currency is either mistaken, or they are blatantly lying. Either way, IRS will punch their clock. Only a matter of time.

As far as heavily taxing pot and on and on, I think the govt has no business dictating what we should or should not be doing. They did not make pot illegal for chilren. They made it illegal for everyone. As an adult, I should have the right to do what I want, regardless of the consequences. I aso don't think it is the govt responsibility to deal with the consequences of my mistakes. If a million people decided to burn their brains out, that is called the LAW OF NATURAL SELECTION.

As far as heavily taxing pot and on and on, I think the govt has no business dictating what we should or should not be doing. They did not make pot illegal for chilren. They made it illegal for everyone. As an adult, I should have the right to do what I want, regardless of the consequences. I aso don't think it is the govt responsibility to deal with the consequences of my mistakes. If a million people decided to burn their brains out, that is called the LAW OF NATURAL SELECTION. Make no mistake, they ARE making money of of pot. They already have a smoothly running stream of revenue coming in from the prohibition of marijuana. Legalization will not stimulate the economy anymore than it already is. The revenue officers are out in force collecting that money for all kinds of victimless crimes. Robbing You and Me blind.

Anyone can make alcohol. A lot of people make beer in the USA. But distilling alcohol is ONLY illegal because it could replace gasoline. In fact, all automobiles were run on ethanol before gasoline took its place. Has nothing to do with alcohol safety, your childrens well being, etc. You are not allowed to distill alcohol in this country because if you could, it would reduce the public need for gasoline. Period. When gas pricess hit $4 a gallon again, tell me you would not rather invest 50 bucks in corn and water and make 50 gallons in a month.

Far as ethanol deteriorating aluminum and rubber, etc.... Your gasoline does not usually come into contact with rubber. Maybe you rigged up a garden hose to your gas tank with duct tape and bailing wire? My answer to aluminum is steel. And steel is cheaper, too. Far as the 90 day shelf life of ethanol: Gasoline that is left in your gas tank for 90 days is saturated with condensed moisture from your gas tank. Even petroleum gasoline doesn't last 90 days.


New Member
Umm, industrial hemp is grown all over the place here in Ontario, and our economy is still tanking.. Our government supplies medical marijuana, and its virtually trash..
I hate to say it, but marijuana screws up more kid's futures than alcohol, or any other drug.. Not in a devastating way perhaps, but North America's educational systems really can't afford any more strain, our kids are pathetic compared to alot of foriegn competition..
I know the next argument is age of majority, but most kids drink, and marijuana is easier to handle/conceal (and obtain) as it is now.. Take the illegal drug label off it, and usage will increase dramatically.. Its really tough to go through life constantly drunk, so thats a control factor there, but the same can't exactly be said of dope.. There are a few critical years where excessive pot smoking will screw your chances at making something of yourself.. I mean look at the pride alot of ppl on this board take in being stoned 24/7, and they're all supposed to be 18+.. (Well actually you can't be stoned 24/7, you can just be fried.. You need to respect weed to really enjoy it, and that understanding tends to come with age..)
I like his policy of letting medical users at a state level live in peace, but I wouldn't want him to take it any further than making medical marijuana legal on a federal level..
Eh, perhaps decriminalization with a HEFTY fine (Atleast $1000) is the way to go.. Keep ppl scared from a cost POV so they don't flaunt it like idiots without devastating their futures with criminal records..
This is really funny because by far the #1 Cash Crop in Canada is WEED! without weed canada would really be doing badly.


New Member
I hate to say it, but marijuana screws up more kid's futures than alcohol, or any other drug..

And why is it easier to get weed for a kid than alcohol? because of the regulations governing distribution of Alcohol.

prohibition DOESN'T WORK! It goes against human nature. People will, and should have the right to, do what they want to to themselves. AT least adults. The worst thing you can do is tell your kids "it's bad for you!" and then go out and do it yourself. They know, they catch on.

To paraphrase Chief Whiggam "What is it with your fascination with my forbidden closet of Mystery!?" :eyesmoke::dunce::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Why only adults?? Where in your constitution does it say anything about separating the rights of the young from the rights of the old?? Bad choices made by one person can spill over and affect the masses.. Thats why alot of things are regulated; alcohol, explosives, radioactive materials etc..
Explain to me how the billions of dollars of weed grown in Canada each year is currently benefitting our economy.. On the contrary, its throwing it further out of balance and inflating prices.. Legalizing wouldn't do much to change that at all.. Even if they made the penalties for undeclared weed grown extremely severe, they'd just be opening another can of worms to create systematic abuse and controversy.. I mean ppl still drink and drive with pretty severe penalties, ppl still work under the table with pretty severe penalties, the list goes on..
And by all means, if you think alcohol can replace gasoline, build yourself a nice refluxing still that can get your ethanol close to 95.58%abv and fill your tank with it.. There is an issue of octane (read up on that, very few ppl understand it) thats going to make you VERY unhappy.. Oh, and while you're distilling that, do some math on the net energy yield/acre.. The gimmicky biofuel fad is already screwing over food prices, and it accounts for far less than 1% of our combustable energy usage..
Alot of ppl here are just looking at the world through pot-goggles.. You only see the plants, not the forest they're grown in..
Oh, and no its not regulations that make alcohol easier to get/conceal than weed.. Its the fact that you can fit a few month's supply in your pocket.. This makes it easier to distribute and conceal at schools etc, and its easier to get past parents for obviously volumetric/clanky reasons.. Go to the smoking area near any school and you'll find it alot easier to get a gram than a 6 pack..
They cant leagalise marijuana you fool because it wont be taxed because everyone would just grow their own in their backyard the government wouldnt make near the amount of money they make now really


Well-Known Member
Octane becomes less and less of an issue the more you lower your compression ratio. 95% abv would be too much water. Your engine would knock. Higher octane is needed by higher performance vehicles, which are not beacons of efficiency anyway. My reflux still, which isn't even a nice one, (I made it out of an old keg and some copper pipe) I can get to 98 abv without dessicant. I'm saavy to all the stuff you are talking about. I am not saying that ethanol can completely replace gasoline. What is fact, though is that gasoline replaced ethanol. If distillation of alcohol were not outlawed, that would not have happened. Despite the energy contained in an acre of corn, people would have still made their own alcohol. People still do under a BATF farm license. Far as I care about ethanol throwing off the food supply, that's crap too. Propaganda specially designed to keep two intelligent people from having a productive conversation.

I live in Kansas, and the government pays me NOT to grow anything at all! I live on 160 acres and I raise prarie grass that is good for nothing. If I grew wheat or corn or whatever, Nobody would buy it. Or I would have to pay more than it is worth to ship it to someplace that would. There is plenty of planet for growing food. I know 160 acres is far from a production sized farm, but it is enough to receive a subsidy.

The question about the viability of biofuel should not be, "Can biofuels replace gasoline?" but "Will producing my own fuel reduce my petroleum use?" And not because the planet is running out of oil, or carbon footprint, or any of that, but because it would spread the economy around a broader area of energy choices. That kind of variety in a market does wonders for balancing power. This is why ethanol production is regulated. This is why farms are subsidized. This is why pot is illegal. Pot can reduce consumption of virtually every market from food, fuels, textiles, the list goes on. Legalizing weed would balance power. And when the power between the people, and their government is balanced nobody can pass or enforce ridiculous prohibitions on things like plants.