Obama wins , terrorist win, usa loses



Hello everyone,

im a redneck named halzey that lives in the woods

all i do is hate gays all day thats what we do yes sir

hate hate hate

and you know what? i hate the rest of america cause they like to be fair

but you know what again? just because i dont like it im going to impose my will on others and use my children as an excuse to do it

then im going to tell everyone my opinion and try to convince them its solid fact

then when they dont listen ill just make myself look even more like an ass,

maybe then i can get a date for saturday night



rofl waffle

going to hell for being gay

if your going to insist on using religion...fine... you realy wanna go there?

(everyone look away)

NEWS FLASH god doesnt exist

the bible is a fairy tale that everyone took way too seriously at first

and oh yeah, hell / heaven its all a lie

what now redneck religious fanatic who wont listen to logic, reason, or empathy


Well-Known Member
Do you have kids ? probably not or you let some daycare raise them instead of DOING YOUR JOB . I care what my kids are exposed to and if Normal people can keep there sex life private, behind closed doors. How come the gays can't ? Because they want to have people tell them its OK, so they feel better about themselves, When IT IS NOT. You ALL are the ones who bought into the propaganda that being gay is OK. You make me sick.
And whenever you hear from someone like me who is genuinely disgusted your only defense or response is that im a homophobe. Face it , you actually make people sick to theyre stomachs. Problem is too many gays telling each other that they are Equal and now they are starting to believe it.
Like it or not they are equal. The U.S. Constitution applies to all of us or none of us.

The U.S. is not a religious nation. It is a secular nation with a strict safeguard over the influence of religion in government. Sadly, history has shown that this has frequently been ignored by the collective will of the majority. Examples include, 'In god we trust' on our currency, tax exemptions for religious institutions, religious holidays, 'Under god' added to our pledge of allegiance, and the persecution/disenfranchisement of homosexuals.

As other religions rise to prominence and secularists realize their power to reverse decades of religious dominance, Christians are feeling defensive. But it's time to face it, Christians have imposed their will on the rest of us for far too long.

Those day are over and apparently you are pissed off.

Do you understand that Leonardo Da Vinci was, in all likelihood, gay? Do you comprehend that to the ancient Greeks, including the bad ass Spartans, homosexuality was openly accepted and practiced throughout their society?

I have two questions for you:

What are you afraid of?

What is it about two people loving each other that threatens you?


Well-Known Member
I would give your comment more weight if you could state for the record you gave the same deference to our last President.....:neutral:

out. :blsmoke:
I voted for him twice...is that enuf. I also came to hate him after a while. But you know those feelings manifest after time. I had to decide between him and Gore or Kerry...WTF. Its not even like a real race in thos election years...
but im registered Independent so im open to be swayed

Does it weigh more now?


Well-Known Member
I really don't want these people serving me my dinner in a restaurant or preparing my food. i don't want them working on me in dentists or doctors offices. I dont want them touching my groceries at the market. I dont want them working the plant that bottles my water, if i ever buy water, lol. I dont want them TEACHING MY CHILDREN !!! And i dont care to see they're "love" in public. And thats my right! :bigjoint:
So I assume you wouldnt want one to save your or your childs life either?
What if you had an accident or were stranded in a frozen tundra and the biggest flamer in the world came strolling by in a warm 4x4 truck? Would you deny your child safety and survival to prevent having a "faggot" help you.

Would you let your child bleed to death from injuries or freeze in the snow to prevent the dirty homos from getting to close...now really would you...?

Assuming you have a Son what would you do if one turned out gay, would you disown them? Would you deny your child love and no longer eat with him and rub his hair and talk about his feelings and life? Would you be ignorant enough to deny your progeny love?

I kinda understand your view because I also battled these same questions. I also have 3 boys and 2 nephews who live with me. But one day my much older Nana told me she 40 years ago asked my grandpa what he would do if one of the kids ended up gay and he replied, "What do you mean what would I do It would be the same kid I raised and loved wouldnt it, the same kid I had all the good moments in life educating and watching grow wouldnt it"?

When I heard that I felt bad for even thinking about what would happen to me and one of my sons relationship if one turned out gay. It bothered me to think of it because you cant deny it will change the "relationship" you have with a son. But at one time I considered disownment also, and after hearing this from my grandparents I felt horrible and greedy for even putting "myself" in equation...I respectfully decided to remove my worries from it that day.. .disownment became a horrible reminder of my greed at the time. But it came from my desire to have manly men raised from tough little boys, as I also say "I dont raise pussies" so I was thinking as a man not a "daddy"
I guess this brings me to conformity,
I always say Ill only conform to someones view if it is more Valid than my own...That day my Grandpa in his old ways showed me the definition of love, and a more valid view. I almost immediately looked at life and kids different, all my kids are thank God straight so far... as I along with you dont believe in the ways of the gay community.
But I also as a human and american to myself and my rights believe we all share equal amounts of rights... we have no right to infringe on their right to do what they wish as they have no right to do so to us.

This is your right as you said, no? To believe what you want? YES it is! So allow "anyone" the same respect you demand. Believe what you will and allow others the same luxury, or be dammed by your actions and continue bad form... and one day see if it bites you back when elements you cannot control come into your life.
which there might be a time you find yourself in the midst of a homo faggot hero whos willing to help some dumb straight guy who lost his way. Never knowing how much you HATE him/her.

I dunno your faith but who did Jesus hang out with? The imperfect people with flaws or the Kings with no imperfection?
If I remember he had a prostitute wash his feet with her hair and tears because he was in "their" midst. The people who needed him the most. You dont think there was Homos there? Your naive if you dont take that into consideration...perfect people didnt need him so he went to save the lost.
I agree with the statement if he were here now he would rebuke you and tell you to love everyone...sin or no sin. Sin is stil sin and you get loved by him whether your sin is homosexuality or fornication or theft...its all sin. So no difference, your no better than anyone else , still a sinner.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Zeitgeist.Can you get your head around it?The first 30 minutes will show you exactly how false Jesus is.A myth.Which you have twisted to suit your own purposes. Zeitgeist - The Movie Click on the one on the right first.What's a hateful person like you doing on a stoner site anyway?
When are you going to wake up and realize how sick and perverted what you are doing is ??????????? I am smart enough to know what sick is, are you ??? GO SUCK SOME MORE SHIT OFF A DICK FAG !!! You are going to HELL:fire::fire:
Bet ya would just love to Eat me up if i was a piece of shit , wouldnt ya ? It would save ya a stop at the middle man.:finger:
Don't forget samurais.Homosexuality was honorable amongst them.
Like it or not they are equal. The U.S. Constitution applies to all of us or none of us.

The U.S. is not a religious nation. It is a secular nation with a strict safeguard over the influence of religion in government. Sadly, history has shown that this has frequently been ignored by the collective will of the majority. Examples include, 'In god we trust' on our currency, tax exemptions for religious institutions, religious holidays, 'Under god' added to our pledge of allegiance, and the persecution/disenfranchisement of homosexuals.

As other religions rise to prominence and secularists realize their power to reverse decades of religious dominance, Christians are feeling defensive. But it's time to face it, Christians have imposed their will on the rest of us for far too long.

Those day are over and apparently you are pissed off.

Do you understand that Leonardo Da Vinci was, in all likelihood, gay? Do you comprehend that to the ancient Greeks, including the bad ass Spartans, homosexuality was openly accepted and practiced throughout their society?

I have two questions for you:

What are you afraid of?

What is it about two people loving each other that threatens you?


Well-Known Member
made it pretty clear when i said i didnt want any of they're doctors or dentists working on me or my family. And if some fag came strolling by in a warm fuzzy 4x4 it would probably be a PINK HUMMER. I go out into the cold, snowy mountains for fun so your scenario doesnt really work dumbass. I kill what i eat and ill make a fire with no matches if i need to.


Well-Known Member

I honestly don't care if someones gay, don't bother me and I won't bother you. If you don't push your ideals on me then I won't to you. I can't help the fact that the thought of their sex disgusts me, but I won't let that reason alone encourage me to persecute them.

What I don't like however, is recently in this politically correct era, a vocally charged society telling me that I should not only accept it, but also to embrace it as just another unique attribute to that person. Being gay truly is an enigma to me, I don't understand it, but again, I don't think I should be pushing my ideals on someone else.


Well-Known Member
To understand sexuality or even understand your own sexual orientation, just look at animal behaviour.
some rape, some take 1 mate for life and some even practice the godless act of Homosexuality.
No one is not gay by choice, it's not a decision to be made.
prenatal hormones is one outlook that I agree with and hard to argue against.

On a biology level what self-choices can be made?


Well-Known Member
To understand sexuality or even understand your own sexual orientation, just look at animal behaviour.
some rape, some take 1 mate for life and some even practice the godless act of Homosexuality.
No one is not gay by choice, it's not a decision to be made.
prenatal hormones is one outlook that I agree with and hard to argue against.

On a biology level what self-choices can be made?
joepro has stated the truth...

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There could be more at work concerning homosexuality than just some preconceived notion of choice. I know of a few, and most felt that they were attracted to the opposite sex for as long as they could remember.

I am of the opinion that America by design is filled with a multitude of people with different cultures, beliefs, and views. I am not saying that I agree with them all, but at the same time, I do not force my beliefs or standards on anyone else. :peace:


New Member
I voted for him twice...is that enuf. I also came to hate him after a while. But you know those feelings manifest after time. I had to decide between him and Gore or Kerry...WTF. Its not even like a real race in thos election years...
but im registered Independent so im open to be swayed

Does it weigh more now?

Yes , indeed it does. Asked and answered, thank you. I agree with you that there was not a worthy democrat on the ticket in either 2000 or 2004. Gore and Kerry have gone on to show that it was a good thing they did not become President. I don't hate Bush, but I am disappointed. Frankly I don't hate anyone, except maybe the ice cream guy in the truck with the eerie music or maybe perhaps clowns :shock:.

Concerning animals and sex. Not an equal comparison I'm afraid. Most animal homosexual acts are acts of DOMINANCY, the sex part is irrelevant, at least to them. One would hardly think that all acts of human homosexual sex is dominancy. No?....

I frankly have not decided whether homosexuality is pure genetics, mutation, environment or some combination of the three. I am also wise enough to know it is not up to me to decide the issue. How gayness begins is irrelevant. It's how they are treated once they are here! I'll stick with equality and fairness any day, wouldn't you? :peace:

out. :shock:


Well-Known Member
I think everyone should just realize that the individual that started this thread does not wish to change his views & in a sense although some of us may disagree that is his right to feel that way. This thread should be just left alone unless someone wants to just argue or shares his views. No one...not anyone should attempt to impose their views on someone else - Period! To end I would like to address halzey68, look I find it hard to understand where your coming from & personally I find your views to be of an ignorant mind...with that said you could always find a place to live & raise your family that has stricter views than wherever you are now or maybe move to an area where they might not be exposed to it as much. I wouldn't really wouldn't wanna see you making out with your woman in public either nor is that proper in my opinion. You just have to accept that some things are wrong & some things are right by our living standards. I'm sure there are homosexuals that keep their business to theirself as well as everyone else...why single them out. Some people just don't know how to be decent. You fit perfectly in to that catergory in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Dfunk - What i have been saying the whole time... Dont try to make me think its OK or try to teach my children it is . And that is what they(gays) want. For everyone to tell them "your Ok , your normal" when they know in theyre hearts what they are doing is immoral and sick. Marraige is between a Man & Woman period. Why do they feel the NEED to be recognized ? To show off ? To be considered Equal ? If gays love eachother so much and that is what they want- keep it private. Anyone who exposes kids to that sort of thing should be arrested and charged with child endangerment.
Quit trying to shove it down our throats. California has voted twice now -Winning Both times.... Marraige is between a Man and a Woman. But some faggot judge will probably change the law again to suit there own personal agenda.


New Member
Yes , indeed it does. Asked and answered, thank you. I agree with you that there was not a worthy democrat on the ticket in either 2000 or 2004. Gore and Kerry have gone on to show that it was a good thing they did not become President. I don't hate Bush, but I am disappointed. Frankly I don't hate anyone, except maybe the ice cream guy in the truck with the eerie music or maybe perhaps clowns :shock:.

How can you be serious with this statement? First, we don't know what a Gore or a Kerry administration would have been, I seriously doubt that we'd be in Iraq and that we'd be in this financial crises (cost of the war and the Bush tax cuts for the rich). What about our loss of stature and credence accross the globe? I'm sorry, but if you could look at Bush with a clear vision, you'd have to see what a catastrophe he's been, Even hard core Bushfiles have given up on his dumb ass. He was nothing more than a dumb spoiled rich kid mouthpiece for the neo-cons, end of story.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Really one can only hope that Halzey and his blue tick hound dog drive his pick up truck drunk into a ditch when their woman leaves him for a black man. And whilst choking on his own blood and vomit he realizes how wrong he really was.