Obama, the job creator!


Well-Known Member
There is about 300,000 more 18 year olds every month. Even a retard can do the math.

300,000 more people needing jobs, 114,000 jobs created..... if they were being honest, the unemployment figure could not go down unless we made more than 300,000 jobs.

Job report: Added 114,000 jobs, but 873,000 more people found jobs. More retard math....

There is about 150,000,000 jobs from the numbers I pull up. Ill do the numbers quickly and rounded off so it is easier to calculate. 150,000,000 x 8% = 12 million. That means that there is about 160-165 million people working and looking for work.(because 8% isn't 8% of 150,000,000. 8% is of the total number, it gets close enough for our needs here though).

There are 100 million people in the country that are of working age that don't have jobs. 12 million officially unemployed and 88 million 'not in work force'. Even the BLS admits that labor force participation rates are now at the levels they were in 1984.

The real question: How can unemployment % go down while the participation rate in the labor force % goes down? The Answer: IT CAN'T.. that is.. unless you stop counting people. Another word for that would be lying.

Seriously... this is one of the most grievous and outright lies I have ever seen from our government.
Baby boomers retiring?

Fucking Duh?!


Well-Known Member
The labor force in the next 10 years will be
affected by the aging of the baby-boom cohort,
those born between 1946 and 1964. This age
group will be between 50 and 68 years old in 2014
and is expected to show significant growth over
the 2004–14 period, as it did from 2002 to 2012.
The labor force will continue to age, with the
annual growth rate of the 55-and-older group
projected to be 4.1 percent, 4 times the rate of
growth of the overall labor force. By contrast,
the annual growth rate of the 25-to-54-year age
group will be 0.3 percent, and that of the young
age group consisting of 16-to-24-year-olds will
be essentially flat.


Well-Known Member
The labor force in the next 10 years will be
affected by the aging of the baby-boom cohort,
those born between 1946 and 1964. This age
group will be between 50 and 68 years old in 2014
and is expected to show significant growth over
the 2004–14 period, as it did from 2002 to 2012.
The labor force will continue to age, with the
annual growth rate of the 55-and-older group
projected to be 4.1 percent, 4 times the rate of
growth of the overall labor force. By contrast,
the annual growth rate of the 25-to-54-year age
group will be 0.3 percent, and that of the young
age group consisting of 16-to-24-year-olds will
be essentially flat.
10,000 people turn 65 every day, and 6,000 of them retire. Not all of them work to begin with. Even giving your 10,000 jobs a day gained through old people retiring it still doesn't change the fact that 114,000 jobs is not .3% of the countries jobs. There are 10,000 more 18 year olds every month.

Also, please note the day on your link. 2005. Economy was thumping, everything was happy and good. Many baby boomers are still working and did not retire due to 401k losses.

Please not that about 100k people legally immigrate to America every month. Even if I accept that 200k jobs come open every month due to retirement you are still a long long way from dropping unemployment .3%.

The labor force participation % is the more important number. Common sense tells you that the unemployment rate can't drop drastically when rate of people working doesn't change and in fact continues to go down. Fact: There are % of the populations working in 2012 than there were in 2011.



Well-Known Member
The labor force in the next 10 years will be
affected by the aging of the baby-boom cohort,
those born between 1946 and 1964. This age
group will be between 50 and 68 years old in 2014
and is expected to show significant growth over
the 2004–14 period, as it did from 2002 to 2012.
The labor force will continue to age, with the
annual growth rate of the 55-and-older group
projected to be 4.1 percent, 4 times the rate of
growth of the overall labor force. By contrast,
the annual growth rate of the 25-to-54-year age
group will be 0.3 percent, and that of the young
age group consisting of 16-to-24-year-olds will
be essentially flat.

Please remember that we are talking past and you are using the future as proof of what happened in the past. 55 year olds aren't retiring and for the topic of this conversation, that link and your post make no valid points as to retirement lowering unemployment.


Active Member
I love how people like to quote all these negative stats about the Obama years as if he put this country in a downward spiral when in reality all these negative numbers are a result of the effects of having a complete fool named George W. Bush as a president for 4 years. Ya lets go back to the party that screwed everything up in the first place. That sounds smart. Maybe if we had a congress that was more concerned with helping the American people instead of trying their best to stop Obama from accomplishing anything so they could try to make him a one term president. How patriotic is that? This country is hurting and republicans #1 goal has been to make sure Obama is a one term president. Congress wasted millions of tax payer dollars trying to repeal Obamacare and didnt even vote on the presidents job bill one time. Why u ask? Cause that would have actually created jobs and made the president look good and they can't have that. Ya lets cut taxes on the rich, cut medicare/medicaid, make abortion illegal even if u were raped, stop funding to planned parenthood cause that's just for poor people, cut food stamps, roll back regulations on wall street and the EPA cause who cares if our planet gets trashed as long as oil tycoons make their billions in profits while our government gives them over 4 billion in tax subsidies while they r charging us out the a$$ for a gallon of gas! While we r at it lets cut more teachers, police, fire fighters cause we dont need them, take away union rights, stop building so many dumb roads and bridges and most importantly we gotta cut PBS cause u know that's like such a big part of our federal budget and besides who cares if poor kids that cant afford cable dont get to watch a great show that teaches them all kinds of important stuff before they get into school because it's not like its important their just poor kids right. And most important we gotta get rid of Obamacare because its ok to spend unlimited amounts of money on all these stupid wars but try to use some taxpayer dollars to make sure poor people get health care and its socialism. Wake up idiots there r alota things in America that r already socialized, its not the end of the world. This is the only country left out of the richest nations in the world that doesn't provide it people with basic free health care and we should be ashamed of that because we can afford it. We already spend more money on our military then the next top ten nations combined! That is absurd! Why r we the worlds police always having to stick our nose in everything. Everyday in America people die from a disease that if they would have had basic health care and coverage it could have been prevented and treated before it got too late. Where is the compassion for our fellow Americans? Oh and while we r at it lets take all the extra money from the tax cuts for the rich and build 15 new battleships a year and start a war with Iran cause thats way more important then investing that money in our own kids future and improving the lives of the people in this country. And don't even get me started on this soul-less, lying, piece of trash Romney! I dont think there has ever been a more 2 faced lying sack of crap to ever run for president. C'mon people this man doesn't even have the integrity to show us his tax returns cause he hides all his money in off-shore bank accounts so he won't have to pay taxes on it. And how the hell does he have 100 million in his IRA? Ya that's the guy we should have as president. If there is one thing that gets me freakin heated its greedy slimy weasels like Mitt Romney. People who have it all but its never enough for them. Hundreds of millions but he wants lower taxes and has to stash his money in other countries. This country is so obsessed with money that it disgusts me. U would think someone that had Romney's resources would want to give back and help those less fortunate, but wait he wouldn't know what that's like since he was so poor growing up in a governor's mansion that he had to sell some of his "stocks" that his daddy gave him to pay for his education at Harvard. Sob sob! No wonder he doesn't care about cutting all these vital programs cause he's never gone a day in his life where he didn't have everything he needed. If u r voting for Romney u must have serious self worth issues cause this man doesn't give a damn about you or America. Keepin it real if Obama was white he'd be way ahead in this election but the sad truth is there r alot of prejudice people that just can't accept that a black man named Barack Hussein Obama is the leader of the free world. One last thing stop watchin Fox News! It is owned by Rupert Murdoch and he just uses Fox News to promote his own biased agenda. Also practically ever person who comes on there to voice there "opinion" is in the pocket and being funded by the Koch Brothers. If u don't know who they r there is a documentary about them called Koch Brothers Exposed. Watch it then tell me if u wanna support any republican. OBAMA 2012. Accept it cause it's gonna happen.


Active Member
One more thing if Romney was to get elected he said he would do everything in his power to put a stop to medical marijuana. Why is that? Because then his buddies couldn't profit off of selling pills to sick people that actually cause more harm than good. And I know the current administration hasn't been the best on medical marijuana. But I dont think that was Obama's personal influence, there r other people in his administration that r responsible for that. Imagine if he was the first black president and he tried to make weed legal? You know they would have gave him a hard time about that and he would never have had a shot at re-election.