obama talks and the market goes down.


Undercover Mod
lol. I think it has more to do with the european debt problems. Your brother sounds like a brillant person.


Active Member
obamas the antichrist. he looks good. sounds good. but he's like darth vader and whoever owns obama is the emperor. and just like in star wars the republic is falling and i quote 'so this is how liberty dies. at the sound of applause".


Active Member
obamas the antichrist. he looks good. sounds good. but he's like darth vader and whoever owns obama is the emperor. and just like in star wars the republic is falling and i quote 'so this is how liberty dies. at the sound of applause".

Creation is built upon good and evil... Satan was sent down to earth after all... the heavenly father loves all of us dearly because we are his creation, and he would not send you to hell eternally to be punished and what not for an eternity...

LOL the funny thing is that we are so technologically de-vanced... wow oil is so awesome, I can go 30 mph with it... SWEET!! Did no one ever listen to Einsteins formula? e=mc2 (squared really, not times two)

Energy = Mass x Speed of light squared. If you understand that then you can understand why gold is so sought after. It does not oxidize, is a beautiful conductor of electricity, and again if "somehow" you can harness the energy from it you can have a MASSIVE amount of energy to use at your own will... go figure..

"You can use uranium for the same thing" you say?
Of course, in theory you can, and is possible to use any hard metal for this process.. Uranium is radioactive... there is a reason why nuclear bombs kill SOOO much in the outer radius.. Then again I say "this process", but we are so numbed, and dumbed by media, society, and our external material we forget that we were once a highly advanced civilization, with knowledge that far surpasses ours.

Ever heard of colloidal gold, silver, copper, etc? well drinking them is nothing but beneficial to the human body and mind, IF prepared properly.. I wonder why gold is such an awesome metal...I wonder...hmmm... I'm still wondering... ehh whatever thats a crazy thought, cause the media has everything covered for me.

Here we are in this day and age worried about gas prices... Wow..

Another funny thing is that we are literally living in star wars yet people would ridicule you for saying such a "crazy" thing... so wonderful post one11!!


Well-Known Member
I follow the market daily, I noticed it ever since the first spark of talk about bailout last year. Everytime he makes a large speach stock market is scared, and when he is out of the country it booms...Seriously.


Well-Known Member
I follow the market daily, I noticed it ever since the first spark of talk about bailout last year. Everytime he makes a large speach stock market is scared, and when he is out of the country it booms...Seriously.
LOL yea!! exactly. i guess you have to watch the stocks daily or you don't know what the hell im talking about ha.


Well-Known Member
post hoc ergo procter hoc ;)
The way you have that written is wrong, what you wrote is "after this therefore because of this rectal region"

what I think you meant was post hoc ergo propter hoc" meaning "After this, therefore because of this"

and I am thinking what you really meant by the whole post was " Its just a Coincidence".


Active Member
Definitely has absolutely nothing to do with Obama, The Euro is collapsing that would be the cause(somewhat).

Myself do watch stocks daily too, BNN is always on.
When Obama talks about Financial reform well yes that affects the Financials but not stocks period.
When Health reform came through/talked about, of course any stocks to do with Health Care were affected.
But in those 2 example it only affects North America and Huge Companies that have listings in other markets.
God damn theres 30+ Markets around the world. Much of which are doing "fine".


Well-Known Member
Keep buying Obama has zero to do with it, you want them cheap now anyway's unless your about to retire.