Obama says he will Bankrupt Coal Industry


New Member
It's always the right's defense to go on offense. If you don't like something they try and show you something you like that is worse, even if it is not. Their convoluted view of the world is what is causing 90% of the problems in the world, just my opinion! And I'm stickin to it.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
We dont need to get rid of anything until we have a replacement! Thats the main point. No coal means higher prices for the American people! What is there not to understand? Obama doesnt want new drilling either. How does that keep gas prices down? Wake up fellow potheads! Obama is going to bend us all over. You can count on it! Do some of you get your electricity or gas for free? Why support such bullshit? In SoCal we are allready screwed. And it doesnt even get cold like back East! The DWP is out of control out here! ( Department of Water and Power) Obama seems blind to what it will cost this country to get rid of coal right away! And blind to what it will cost us, the American people if we dont drill while securing a alternative to oil. And blind to diminishing the Constatution and our troops. Bad judement and deception is what it shows. He has lied or changed his mind on a lot of issues. Including his special associations he has with questionable people, the deception about killing the coal industries, campaign finance, his real association with Accorn as a attorney and as a trainer of some of its members, Iraq and the $300,000. crap he started with then settled in at $250,000. then $200,000. then Biden @ $150,000. and most recently I heard from his mouth $97,000. to name a few. Why do some keep making excuses for Obama! This is the real Obama. He doesnt want you to know who he really is and it has taken way too long to get info on this guy. Hope its not too late!


Active Member
HAHA... This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Obama receives large donations from the coal industry.

It's called POSTURING-He was probably talking to environmentalists. Obama loves coal. Like the democrats the pretend they are against war or the republicans the say they are against wall street welfare. It's all P-O-S-T-U-R-I-N-G and means nothing. Actions speak louder than words.

Politicians don't turn on there corporate paymasters.


Well-Known Member
So will John McCain.. He's penned and supported legislature that would have closed many coal power plants. There's nothing but hypocrisy with that accusation.

Under S. 139 (McCain's bill), the reductions in U.S. coal production...are estimated to be 14 percent in 2010 and 78 percent in 2025.

That bill didn't pass the Congress. But McCain wasn't finished working over the coal industry.

In 2007, McCain introduced yet another climate change bill, Senate Bill 280. This time he took aim at coal production east of the Mississippi River, especially in Appalachia.

An analysis of McCain's 2007 legislation by the Environmental Protection Agency showed that the bill called for a cut in Appalachian coal production for electricity generation by 30 percent by 2025.

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
And here is McCain pretty much saying the same thing. Note how Ms. Palin leads off this video, talking trash about Obama; then we see McCain talking about the same sorts of things regarding the coal industry, actually calling the loss of jobs "draconian" in a sarcastic manner:

YouTube - GOP Senator: McCain "Will Put Coal Out Of Business"

As for the mercury in CFL bulbs, here's a link about that. I haven't found much in the way comparing how much mercury is in each bulb compared to burning 110 pounds of coal.

Compact Flourescent Light Guide - EcoVille GEORGIA

Edited to add: the post above mine is the transcript from McCain talking about this issue (coal), while the youtube video I've linked to has the video of it. Oh, it's also got video of Ms. Ann Coulter decrying what McCain was saying as a "declaration of war."

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Yes, Med Man, that seems to be the case. I've said it before in other threads that I used to respect McCain, and had he run in '04, there's a chance that I might have voted for him. This time Can you say flip-flopper?

Oh, that, and a very shoddily run campaign.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
We dont need to get rid of anything until we have a replacement! Thats the main point. No coal means higher prices for the American people! What is there not to understand? Obama doesnt want new drilling either. How does that keep gas prices down? Wake up fellow potheads! Obama is going to bend us all over. You can count on it! Do some of you get your electricity or gas for free? Why support such bullshit? In SoCal we are allready screwed. And it doesnt even get cold like back East! The DWP is out of control out here! ( Department of Water and Power) Obama seems blind to what it will cost this country to get rid of coal right away! And blind to what it will cost us, the American people if we dont drill while securing a alternative to oil. And blind to diminishing the Constatution and our troops. Bad judement and deception is what it shows. He has lied or changed his mind on a lot of issues. Including his special associations he has with questionable people, the deception about killing the coal industries, campaign finance, his real association with Accorn as a attorney and as a trainer of some of its members, Iraq and the $300,000. crap he started with then settled in at $250,000. then $200,000. then Biden @ $150,000. and most recently I heard from his mouth $97,000. to name a few. Why do some keep making excuses for Obama! This is the real Obama. He doesnt want you to know who he really is and it has taken way too long to get info on this guy. Hope its not too late!
i don't think most people know where we get our electricity.

think about the sun.

think about how hot it is and how much mass energy it has.

how close to the sun do you think you would get before incinerating?

so i guess it would be logical to say the sun is dangerous.

so is producing energy on this planet.

i care about the environmet too, but I really don't want to pay more than i should. and i don't think the 6 million coal workers don't want that either. I know, why don't we get rid of welfare.

and 97K now? I fucking knew he thought I made too much money. what a crock of shit.

once again the middle class takes it in the pants.


Big P

Well-Known Member
What is this:

and 97K now? I fucking knew he thought I made too much money. what a crock of shit.

its his salary obama wants to give some of it to person of his choosing

insead of passing out fish so that they are hungry again tomorrow let us in stead pass out fishing rods and books

so we will all be selfsufficient

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
its his salary obama wants to give some of it to person of his choosing

And this is coming from where? The other day here, someone posted that taxes would be going up for those making $41K. I didn't find any credible support for that assertion. Is there anything credible that says taxes are going up for those making that $90K+/- figure?

Or am I missing something here?


New Member
What is this:

and 97K now? I fucking knew he thought I made too much money. what a crock of shit.
It is a line of crap that the anti-Obama lads are spewing forth, 97, 48.5, 24.25, 12,125, 6,062, 3,031, 1,515, OK now they are gettin down in my income terrirory. If that asshole raises my taxes, I'll never vote Democratic again.

Big P

Well-Known Member
its his salary obama wants to give some of it to person of his choosing

And this is coming from where? The other day here, someone posted that taxes would be going up for those making $41K. I didn't find any credible support for that assertion. Is there anything credible that says taxes are going up for those making that $90K+/- figure?

Or am I missing something here?

barak obama voted to raise taxes 91 times. he also voted to increase taxes on people making $41,000 per year

amazingly he even said it has part of his campain that he wanted taxes raised on people making $45,000 and up early in the primarys with hillary but ofcaorse he has quikly changed his assertions to say he will only raise taxes on people making $250,000

im not sure but I didnt see him sign any papers promising us he will not go back to his old ways of thinking and raise taxes on people making $45,000 and up. I mean the only reason he switched it up was not becuase he changed his mind but it was only so he could get elected.

I guess raising taxes doesnt matter until its you pocket gettin picked eh?


Well-Known Member
hey puff have u ever wondered why we use coal? and radiation or do u think there no reason for it?

did you know the elctricity u are using to post comes from this?

so unless u wanna be in darkness, :eyesmoke::eyesmoke: i think u smoked one to many
Hmm. And all this time I thought I could use solar panels to get my electricity, and I use candles I drip myself and a wood stove, and lamps, (we are kinda old fashioned) so I am hardly 'in the dark.'

You are, morally, spiritually and mentally, tho, so I guess it either takes one to accuse one or a MAJOR case of projection, take your pick.

If I hadda smoked one too many, then asswipes like you wuddn't irritate me so bad, but you do so I have obviously not smoked enough....

You are obviously loaded (or more than us poor whites that vote against republicans are) so perhaps you could contribute to the fund to smoke dissidents like me into silence.......


Well-Known Member
i don't think most people know where we get our electricity.

think about the sun.

think about how hot it is and how much mass energy it has.

how close to the sun do you think you would get before incinerating?

so i guess it would be logical to say the sun is dangerous.

so is producing energy on this planet.
The sun is dangerous, but we're in no danger from it (not for several hundred million years anyway). The same can't be said for fossil fuels.

i care about the environmet too, but I really don't want to pay more than i should. and i don't think the 6 million coal workers don't want that either. I know, why don't we get rid of welfare.
Pay now or pay later, what's the difference? The price for fossil fuels is going to steadily rise, alternatives need to be found before our dependencies are out of reach. It takes money to develop energy sources, what better way to pay for new fuels than with the proceeds of old fuels. You can pay to keep the profit margins of oil companies or you can pay for the development of alternative fuels, either way you are going to pay and ever increasing price. Even if we stopped using coal completely (unlikely under any presidency), we will would still be producing as much, if not more energy, employment in the energy sector would still be the same. The jobs aren't just going to evaporate, that is just overly simplistic.

But hey, if we get rid of welfare, maybe you can get a job throwing blind and handicapped people out in the streets. A nice check from the government on the first and fifteenth.

and 97K now? I fucking knew he thought I made too much money. what a crock of shit.

once again the middle class takes it in the pants.

That is not what Obama said, it's from a YouTube clip that was (obviously) spliced to take a question out of context. At no time did he state his policy would be to tax people in the 97k range, but that those that make above 97k are in the upper 6% of the population.

Hopefully Obama cuts back rampant military spending enough that those who do see tax increases only see them in moderation.


Well-Known Member
its quite obvious you dont understand the concept of "raidation"

radiation is not a gas that leaks out and pollutes everything

radiation emits from the spent fuel of the reactor....it can be either solid or liquid....

now an argument could be "ok so were trading gas waste for liquid waste thats more dangerous"

the soloution would be to fill shipping crates full of radio active material and fire them in the general direction of the sun.... end of problem...
I wuddn't talk about what I know about radiation, and since I was a hippie protesting the opening of the nuclear plants back in the day I know more than you think. And I also wuddn't be talking about what I know or don't know when you obiviously don't know much about inter-stellar travel if you think that 'shooting wastes into the sun' would be either wise or cost effective. And there is alway Chernoble (I know I spelt that wrong) to remind us of how easily things can go worng, but you won't be the one having 3 armed babies, so what would you care?

Bet you wuddn't want one in your backyard, by your schools, across from your work.....


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't get that either.

THe right keeps bitchin about raisin taxes, but they support a war that costs HOW much a year? WHere da fuck is the money for THAT commin from? Just pull it outta thin air? While I have my own views on the Federal Reserve and the bleeding of the American people in a purely unconsititutional way, even the government can't do that, the money is commin FROM US. Duh. Eliminate that 'cost' and our own economy has a better chance.

When asked, most people were not concerned with the raising of taxes, they were more concerned about Obama's lack of experience, tho even more were concerned about the effect the Bush administration has had and McCain's tuffest problem is his connection to that ideology.