Obama Muslim?

I thought it was founded by people who came across the berring sea land bridge following herds of caribou?
No, those were the ancestors of Native Americans. Our country was founded by bunch of guys that came from europe on boats.

What you were getting at is how America was stolen from the native Americans(indians).

Illegal Smile

No, those were the ancestors of Native Americans. Our country was founded by bunch of guys that came from europe on boats.

What you were getting at is how America was stolen from the native Americans(indians).
What I was getting at was that our country legalistically may have been founded in 1776 or 1787, but our nation was not founded at any one point in time, and it is a work in progress. From the indians to the english and the dutch and the germans and the scotch irish and today the mexicans, it's still being founded.

But that said, I have tremendous respect from the guys whose grandparents came from Eurpoe on boats (Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, Franklin) and I believe in American Exceptionalism.

jeff f

New Member
and i'm assuming you're retarded, until I see an IQ test....:bigjoint:
politically, i am diametrically opposed to you. but that was fucking hilarious. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

as for birth cert. i could care less. he IS president....now what? we must fight his policies and not be distracted.


Active Member
Let me get this straight...for the first time in our history we have a president who admits to smoking weed and brushes it aside completely as it should be. The same president whose justice department just stopped the prosecution of medical cannabis growers and distributors as long as they are in compliance with state law. Also the president under whose watch we are more likely to see an end to federal cannabis prohibition than ever.

And here you are, in the politics section of a board dedicated to the cultivation and appreciation of said cannabis somehow insinuating that he's lying about his religious views by posting a two-year old video of him misspeaking during an interview....?

I usually don't insult people on the internet and I don't know you so I can't say for certain, but i think your post is pretty good proof that you do actually have shit for brains...

Illegal Smile

and i'm assuming you're retarded, until I see an IQ test....:bigjoint:
I'm not hiding any of my records - birth, medical, educational, any of them. No-one can get anything on Obama, all covered up.


Well-Known Member
I'm not hiding any of my records - birth, medical, educational, any of them. No-one can get anything on Obama, all covered up.

LOL go on then where are they?... i wont believe it till i see full evidence of all the records - birth, medical, educational, any of them


Illegal Smile

What we know about Obama:

Occidental College records – Not released
Columbia College records – Not released
Columbia Thesis paper – “not available”
Harvard College records – Not released
Selective Service Registration – Not released
Medical records – Not released
Illinois State Senate records – “not available”
Illinois State Senate schedule – “not available”
Law practice client list – Not released
Certified Copy of original Birth certificate – Not released
Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth – Not released

Harvard Law Review articles published – None
University of Chicago scholarly articles - None

Even his yearbook from Harvard is unavailable. No copies to be found anywhere while every other year is available.


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight...for the first time in our history we have a president who admits to smoking weed and brushes it aside completely as it should be. The same president whose justice department just stopped the prosecution of medical cannabis growers and distributors as long as they are in compliance with state law. Also the president under whose watch we are more likely to see an end to federal cannabis prohibition than ever.

And here you are, in the politics section of a board dedicated to the cultivation and appreciation of said cannabis somehow insinuating that he's lying about his religious views by posting a two-year old video of him misspeaking during an interview....?

I usually don't insult people on the internet and I don't know you so I can't say for certain, but i think your post is pretty good proof that you do actually have shit for brains...

Well your right you dont know me. And you dont know what would happen if the feds took over the weed scene. I just came across the video, and found it to be weird. Not to mention all the controversy of his birth cert.

I didnt care how old the video was.

I slip up and call myself muslim all the time. Dont even know what that means, But I did. I was confused.

Illegal Smile

I think he's lying when he says he has any faith, he just got confused about which one he was professing that day. As for marijuana laws, there are many things far more important than that. I wish there were some politicians that agree with me on everything, but there aren't. I support those whose views on the most critical issues fit with mine.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming Obama is kenyan until I see a birth certificate.
and i'm assuming you're retarded, until I see an IQ test....:bigjoint:
politically, i am diametrically opposed to you. but that was fucking hilarious. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

And here you are, in the politics section of a board dedicated to the cultivation and appreciation of said cannabis somehow insinuating that he's lying about his religious views by posting a two-year old video of him misspeaking during an interview....?

I usually don't insult people on the internet and I don't know you so I can't say for certain, but i think your post is pretty good proof that you do actually have shit for brains...
I'm not hiding any of my records - birth, medical, educational, any of them. No-one can get anything on Obama, all covered up.
Using misspeaking that is quickly recoverd as proof of something is something FOX would do.

If he is or was Muslim why would that matter?
The only people I feel this may concern would be the Jewish Community.
According to NJDC - President Obama received nearly 78% of the Jewish vote.
According to Institute of Global Jewish Affairs -Obama received 78% of the Jewish community's vote
I don't think they are too worried!!
Maybe we should spend a little more time focusing on religious freedom than attempting (POORLY I MIGHT ADD) to alienate someone for a belief YOU THINK they may have.
Do you not like Muslims?
Don't you feel every person has the right to practice any religion they see fit?
What exactly is your point? Please elaborate!!!!

"IF YOU CAN READ THIS" you have the Internet !!
LOOK IT UP !!!!!
Do you really think Obama would be our president if he wasn't born a U.S. citizen?
His certificate of live birth has been authenticated, there are news paper articles announcing his birth!!!

Anyone who is confronted with the evidence and still denies the truth has some serious mental issues!!!

Call it what you will stubbornness, stupidity, ignorance ,I just really don't know.



Well-Known Member
Using misspeaking that is quickly recoverd as proof of something is something FOX would do.

If he is or was Muslim why would that matter?
The only people I feel this may concern would be the Jewish Community.
According to NJDC - President Obama received nearly 78% of the Jewish vote.
According to Institute of Global Jewish Affairs -Obama received 78% of the Jewish community's vote
I don't think they are too worried!!
Maybe we should spend a little more time focusing on religious freedom than attempting (POORLY I MIGHT ADD) to alienate someone for a belief YOU THINK they may have.
Do you not like Muslims?
Don't you feel every person has the right to practice any religion they see fit?
What exactly is your point? Please elaborate!!!!

"IF YOU CAN READ THIS" you have the Internet !!
LOOK IT UP !!!!!
Do you really think Obama would be our president if he wasn't born a U.S. citizen?
His certificate of live birth has been authenticated, there are news paper articles announcing his birth!!!

Anyone who is confronted with the evidence and still denies the truth has some serious mental issues!!!

Call it what you will stubbornness, stupidity, ignorance ,I just really don't know.

Obviously you read the first post and didnt read any thing else.


Well-Known Member
I havnt even said I thought he was muslim. There is a question mark in the thread title if you cant read punctuations.


Active Member
Well your right you dont know me. And you dont know what would happen if the feds took over the weed scene. I just came across the video, and found it to be weird. Not to mention all the controversy of his birth cert.

I didnt care how old the video was.

I slip up and call myself muslim all the time. Dont even know what that means, But I did. I was confused.
We're far from having federally-taxed, corporate-grown marijuana for sale at wal-mart and I hope we never get there, but we're at the opposite extreme right now so I think we can all agree that no longer having the DEA raid medical users is a step in the right direction. Stay tuned for more....

The controversy over his birth certificate exist only in the heads of those who are willing to say anything to discredit him for whatever reason. There is a document issued by the state of hawaii that is out there (google it, i'm too lazy) that ended all reasonable debate about the issue. The only people still blabbing about this live in an alternate reality and buy gold from glenn beck.

I repeat: if all you have to say here about obama is that he is secretly a muslim and not a citizen, then you most likely have shit for brains. I'm not saying you have to agree with him by any means (I don't always either) but this is just stupid. Tell me what he has done since he's been in office and I will happily discuss it with, but don't make this kind of post and expect people not to think you are a total idiot....


Well-Known Member
I'm not hiding any of my records - birth, medical, educational, any of them. No-one can get anything on Obama, all covered up.
I am not hiding them really...though I would if it was up to me...but it is hard as hell to get copies of these records even for your self!
