Obama administration is at it again, Fuckin california in the ass


Well-Known Member

-- no need to get butthurt ppls


Well-Known Member
you know......you may let them "fuck you in the ass" in cali but we're playing a different hand here in colorado.


Well-Known Member
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the good people of cali fucked themsleves and everyone else when they voted not to legalize, now bitch.
The Fed's are saying "we don't recognize state law, you are still in violation of Federal law." I don't see how passing another state law would change this situation at all.


Well-Known Member
note this part..........."So it's our hope that having the state step in and firmly regulate the recreational industry in the same way they've done with the medical industry will keep the federal government out of Colorado.""


Well-Known Member
influx of the shwag headed this way, I refuse myself. fund terrorists? no fucking way.


Sector 5 Moderator
Nobama fails again. I swear, this douchebag has the Roto Rooter touch; everything he touches turns to shit. State law preceeds and trumps federal law. There were soverign states long before the federal government was started. This fucking democrat government is out of control and only interested in their own private agenda of selling our asses to the new world order. These lying bastards have to be stopped.


Well-Known Member
I did like that but think it doesn't matter who you're talking about, all parties are a joke/lie.

Brick Top

New Member
State law preceeds and trumps federal law. There were soverign states long before the federal government was started.
I wish you were correct, but you are not. For one, States in the United States of America, could not actually exist before the United States, it's Constitution and Federal Government existed. Plus, even if States would be considered to exist prior to the creation of the nation most States were not States when the Federal Government was created. Some of what are now States were owned and governed by other nations at the time, others were unclaimed land/territory (as in by any recognized nation). If that is not enough, there is the Constitution.

Supremacy Of Federal Laws

Federal supremacy and preemption refers to the idea that all state and local laws must not conflict with federal law. The federal law is considered the supreme law and it always supersedes the state or local law.
The Constitution’s Article VI covers subjects such as:

  • outstanding debt,
  • prohibition of religious tests for office, and
  • federal law’s power over state law.
Article VI’s first clause reassured creditors of the United States that they would be paid by the new government formed under the Constitution. The third clause ensured that the government of the country would be secular and office holders at all levels of government would swear loyalty to the Constitution. The second clause makes the Constitution, laws passed by Congress and treaties of the United States the supreme law of the land. This has become known as the Supremacy Clause. It has the most continuing effect to the modern day.
The Supremacy Clause establishes federal law as the highest form of law in the United States legal system. It requires the state judges to defer to federal law even if state laws or constitutions conflict. The Constitution mandates that “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.”
When Congress passes a law within its constitutional authority, the state law must defer. State constitutions are subordinate to federal statutes and treaties. This constitutional requirement is called preemption.
The Supreme Court must decide if a state law comports with the policy set out in federal law, when the state law is challenged as unconstitutional based upon the Supremacy Clause. The decision is affected by the manner in which Congress addressed the subject matter in relation to the States. Congress may address this in either one of three ways such as:
• Provide for exclusive federal control.
If Congress expresses in the law that it intends to control a specific subject matter and that subject matter is within the authority granted in Article I, then state law in that area is preempted.
• Provide for concurrent federal-state jurisdiction.
Congress may determine that a subject is appropriate for both federal and State regulation, and expressly provide for concurrent jurisdiction in the law.
• Remain silent regarding jurisdiction.
If Congress has not stated its preference, the Supreme Court may decide if the subject matter is under the exclusive control of the federal government.
The only way to effectively overcome federal supremacy is to demonstrate that the federal law is in itself unconstitutional, and therefore illegal. In such cases, the federal law would be struck down by the court, and the state law would be the authority.

I don't like it, but there you are.

sicks stuff

Active Member
so the FEDs sent out 16 letters to landlords, 12 to Sandy Eggo..

from the article said:
....at least 16 pot shops or their landlords received letters this week stating they are violating federal drug laws,....

and....Their offices refused Thursday to confirm the closure orders. The Associated Press obtained copies of the letters that a prosecutor sent to at least 12 San Diego dispensaries.....
but all 12 of the Sandy Eggo shops were already in trouble with the Cali/Sandy Eggo courts...

from the article said:
The San Diego medical marijuana outlets put on notice were the same 12 that city officials sued last month for operating illegally, after activists there threatened to force an election on a zoning plan adopted to regulate the city's fast-growing medical marijuana industry, City Attorney Jan Goldsmith said. A judge on Wednesday ordered nine of the targeted shops to close, while the other three shut down voluntarily, Goldsmith said.
I'm thinking this is just a ruse by the FEDs to let Obammy show a little movement, and clout, on his promises, and to get a little press and airtime from the media. It only cost the FEDs the cost of postage and a few letters.

it seems like quite a coincidence that out of almost 200 dispensaries in San Diego, the 12 that were targeted we're already under duress from the local government.. and would probably be forced to close anyway..
