NY to legalize.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
well alot of weed is in new york constanly smoked.
City w/largest population
Wall Street/NYSE.
So it makes a little sense
They Tax it and makes the city richer,and thier corparation's wallets fatter.
BAD! More violence will come from drug dealers and supply thier never ending arsenal of weapons


the medical marijuana bill was introduced in NY in both the senate and the assembly simultaneously.

I honestly wish I knew what happened with both bills as I haven't heard anything about the issue since about mid-June.


Well-Known Member
the medical marijuana bill was introduced in NY in both the senate and the assembly simultaneously.

I honestly wish I knew what happened with both bills as I haven't heard anything about the issue since about mid-June.

Hi all

Sad news for for New York's medical marijuana legislation as a person with
diabetic nerropahy ie nerve damage
the hope of being able to grow my
own weed is gone to keep the cost down i have no health insurence here is what was
interdused on june 26 2009 leve it to NY not to do the right thing it's all about the big money
and fuck the little guy. the price will be out of control $45.00 a gram who will this help
click on A9016 and the new bill will open.

Senate deadlock complicates effort; medical marijuana legislation awaits floor votes

Last update: June 26, 2009
This year started out as a very exciting year for New York's medical marijuana legislation, but until a Senate leadership struggle is resolved compassionate medical marijuana legislation will sadly remain in limbo. For the first time ever, identical medical marijuana bills were introduced in the Assembly and Senate earlier this year, sponsored by Assembly Health Committee Chair Richard Gottfried and Senate Health Committee Chair Tom Duane. With a Democratic majority in place for the first time, Senate bill 4041-A was making steady progress — with 16 co-sponsors and its first committee win. Meanwhile the Assembly bill — which as twice passed the floor — was ready for a floor vote.
Then, on June 8, two Democratic New York City state senators joined 30 Republicans in a vote for a Republican majority leader, Dean Skelos (R-Rockville Centre). One of the two Democrats has returned to the Democrats, and the Senate is currently deadlocked at 31 votes for each party. The Senate was supposed to adjourn on June 22, but has been meeting in a state of confusion. The Democrats have offered a power-sharing agreement to break the deadlock, but so far there has been no agreement.
Especially in this new climate, it is crucial that the medical marijuana bill enjoy bipartisan support, and that it receive a Senate floor vote. Thus, our champion, Asm. Gottfried, introduced a new amended medical marijuana bill, A. 9016, designed to garner support from senators of both parties. Senate Republicans who are open to allowing medical marijuana have long opposed allowing patients and designated caregivers to grow small amounts of marijuana. The bill would instead allow for safe access by allowing state-registered regulated entities to dispense medical marijuana to qualified patients. A. 9016 passed the Assembly Health Committee, and is awaiting a vote in the Codes Committee and on the floor after the Assembly returns to work later this summer.
Every senator is key, as the vote will be close in these politically turbulent times, and your e-mail can make the difference. You can see how (and if) your state senator responded to our candidate questionnaire on medical marijuana issues.
Even among the most conservative New Yorkers, there is strong support for protecting patients. There is no reason for the Senate not to act. In 2007, a Mason-Dixon poll found that 55% of Conservative Party voters favor removing criminal sanctions for doctor-recommended medical marijuana patients. The poll also found support in six state senate districts across the state, ranging from 61-76%. In 2009, another Mason-Dixon poll found support ranging from 65-77% in three upstate state senate districts represented by moderate Republicans.
Please also urge other compassionate New Yorkers both to write their state senators and to sign up for MPP's free legislative alerts.