Ny First Sprout... Is it going to survive??? THOUGHTS????


Well-Known Member
Hey all-
So after about 3 week of trial and lots of errors... This is what i got... A sprout? Does it look right? Look healthy? I just moved her under a CFL. Keeping her moist... and the plan is to move her into a small bubbleponics bucket. I want this one to live!!! I have been having bad luck.
Any thoughts would be helpful.



Well-Known Member
Till you see some green don't get the light too close... I just give them sun till they get some leaves, then I put them under CFL's....IMO Luck..


Well-Known Member
That sprout looks rough my friend, you have details on water pH or genes of the seed? Some just take longer to sprout, but you may have incorrectly prepared the cube or the water. Give what details you can and maybe we can help you further. Other than that mate, I'd keep 24 hour light on it and send it positive energy :bigjoint:
Kc :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Seed is a BC Seed... Strain... Chronic... PH is 6.0 - Distilled H20. The sprout is one day old. I germed the seed in paper towel / DVD case / Cable Box. I took the cube.... poured some distilled water... get it wet... and shook out the excess... till just damp. Placed the cube on the cable box till it broke through the cube... and this is what i have. One day out of the cube.


Well-Known Member
I don't hear anything wrong with your situation ... you may just have a really slow starting strain. Keep with it under 24/0 light and it's pop for you or it won't mate. Hope for the best, I wish you luck

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks all... Shes looking good today... turning green! and.... her bag lady sister popped out of her cube this morning. Good thing I'm not home during the day. I would sit around and watch them grow!