Ny Diesel Sour Diesel and Chernobyl rescue plants flowering day 21

Dice Clay

Active Member
So I got these plants from another caretaker (NY Diesel, Sour Diesel and Chernobyl) because he had fucked with them too much and had really over fert'd and the soil was totally locked out. I brewed a tea with dolomite lime, seaweed, fish emulsion black strap molassis, and a little kelp. After feeding the worst plant with the tea I am now starting to see enough of a recovery for her to take the buds to maturation. Here are some pics.IMG_0180.jpgIMG_0181.jpgIMG_0182.jpgIMG_0183.jpgIMG_0184.jpgIMG_0185.jpgIMG_0186.jpgIMG_0187.jpgIMG_0188.jpg