nutrients question


new grower here... quick question:
when do i begin to add nutrients?
do i start right as i plant the seed or do i wait to see some leaves?
also, how often should i water with nutes?


Well-Known Member
it is best to not fertilize them in seedling stage. i tend to stick with B1, tea and myco until they have 4 nodes. your watering and feeding will depend on the plants. Soil 1-2 times per week, if you do everything right 2-3times in heavy flower.


Active Member
man search and read around you need a little time on here and youll get it. every body is diff you need to find what works for u. U tube for gerinating seeds is agood place to start watch and learn


Well-Known Member
I give my sprouts my Russian comfrey fert as soon as they appear. But I am a heretic - get bigger yields than most on here though.