Nutrient recommendation


starting a new grow. growing in 70% ocean forest and 30% pro mix

was debating between advanced nutrients iguana juice grow, bloom and bud candy


canna vega, flores and boost. i was told canna is designed for marijauna? is that true??

just wanted to see if anyone has used either of these nutes and how the results were

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
My hydro guy reccomends Canna and he doesn't stock it even. Licenced dealers I gather. I use GH.


New Member
starting a new grow. growing in 70% ocean forest and 30% pro mix

was debating between advanced nutrients iguana juice grow, bloom and bud candy


canna vega, flores and boost. i was told canna is designed for marijauna? is that true??

just wanted to see if anyone has used either of these nutes and how the results were

thanks in advance
If you can look into House and Garden Soil A+B. Great concentrated nute that is relatively cheap based on dosage amounts. Compnay makes a VERY quality product and had a fantastic nute calculator on their website. Then after a few grows you can start learning about NPK ratios and additives and start testiong out some of their additives. Maybe you could start with their Top Booster or Buds XL. Then later on you can look at some of their others and test out how you like them.

I use AN and have friends that use Canna. Both are very high quality nutrient companies. I don't think you can go wrong with either. I have no experience though personally with AN Iguana Juice or Canna so I can't comment on those specifically. I just know that House and Garden will be cheaper and is a VERY high quality soil specific nute line.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Canna markets to cannabis users and so does Advanced Nutrients, but its just marketing, and they don't grow any better then the other stuff. Advanced Nutrients would be good if they were 1/4 the price. They don't put the best stuff in there (like urea), just okay stuff that gets the job done. Where they do excel is in their customer support. You can call them and they actually will help you out and give you tips. Canna, I haven't used them, but I thought it was weird that so far six people this week have reported problems with them. All new growers so it's most likely the people growing and not the nutrients, but still thought it was weird. Perhaps their directions and support isn't up to par. IDK.

If your going to grow outside and want organic, take a look at Alaska Fish Emulsions and their Bloom fertilizer. Its only $6 and $10 a bottle and I really believe they are just as good as any cannabis specific nutrient. The only downside to the Alaska brand that I can think of is they don't do well in hydroponic setups. To thick and just not designed for that style of growing.

Another brand thats a really good value is X Nutrients. They aren't famous and have only been around for two years, but they are cannabis specific, use good ingredients (no urea!), and they only cost $15 a bottle. If you email the company they might even send you a free sample. Only took me 2 days to get them since they sent it to a local hydro store. I used them during veg last year and I really liked their Grow and Micro. I ran a side by side grow testing them and Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A & B. I had no problems whatsoever with them, so this year I decided to try out their Bloom. I might also get the amino blast, just to see how that does. I'm not convinced amino acids are worth buying, but $15 a bottle isn't a big risk. Compare that to $70+ which is what Home & Garden charges or $30 for Big Bud by Advanced Nutrients.

Last nutrient line I'll recommend is General Hydroponics using the "Lucas method" You'll have to google it for all details, but basically you don't need their entire lineup for a nice grow. You can get by with just their Micro and Bloom nutrients.

If you can't already tell, I'm a big advocate of buying nutrients based on their value and not on their marketing or popularity. I am willing to try new stuff, because I can afford to and it's actually fun for me. However, I think a lot of new growers waste to much money adding this and that without really thinking about what's in the bottles. I waste money too, but at least I know I'm wasting money at the time of sale.


Personally I'd got with Advanced Nutrients. For me in my garden it's always done the best. Not everyone agrees with that but not everyone agrees with ANYTHING.

To say that the cannabis angle is "just marketing" is complete BS.

For some companies, yes, that's true. But Advanced Nutrients formulates specifically for AND TESTS THEIR NUTRIENTS ON cannabis. Which brands are licensed to grow cannabis in their laboratories? Hell, which brands even have laboratories? Okay, so I'm not sure how many actually have labs (not as many as you'd think, I'm sure) but AFAIK only Advanced Nutrients actually grows cannabis in their lab to test their nutes.

Anyone who says nutes are nutes and plants are plants is kidding themselves. Not all plants are the same. If they were, you'd grow and smoke something no one ever gets busted for, wouldn't you? Plants are different. Ask a farmer if they give the exact same fertilizer to every plant. Of course they don't. Many of the big hydroponic farms don't even use the same fertilizer day to day. They take tissue samples from the plants as they're growing and use labs to analyze the tissue to custom-tailor the nutrient mix on the fly. When you're growing tons and tons of tomatoes, the cost of the lab is negligible if it can improve yield even a few percent.

The right nutrients can push yields a lot more than just a few percent.


Active Member
For grow I would use the new Sensi Grow and Great White Mycorrhizae and for bloom I would use the new Sensi Bloom with Bud Candy and Sensizym


By all means go with Canna!!! A.N. is a ripoff.
My ladies would beg to differ.

I'm paying less per ounce dry weight and getting better quality bud since I switched to AN. If you like Canna better that's great, but I'll stick with my AN.