Nutrient Question?????

Green Xan Man

Active Member
I was lookin through some gardening stuff and i found plant food, one was 10-10-10 and the other was 18-6-12. Is either of these good to use or is there a better combination?


Well-Known Member
go to the local plant or hydro shop with cash. for 20 dollars buy a bottle of fox farm grow big and for another 20 get a bottle of fox farm tiger bloom. you will not be sorry. but you will be if you fuck up using miracle grow. you can use any nutes really but you wont get the maximum effect. fox farm is the best as far as im concerned. dont forget that you soil mix is mucho importante also.
heres my recipe. 1/4th perlite, 1/4th vermaculite, 1/4th seed starter soil, and 1/4th sphagmnom and pete moss mix. use this in 5 gallon buckets with fox farm nutes you will be happy.

i didnt switch to using these till my third grow now im smacking myself for not changing over sooner.

what you got for lights? watering soil? or is it hydro?


Well-Known Member
fox farm rules...but dont forget to look at all there using grow big during veg and tiger bloom in flower, but they have a ton of different nutes. any pics of the plant? also you using outside dirt? because with outside dirt comes outside bug infestations....spider mites and all that great say the most important step you need to take is getting that ff soil sooner rather than later...what are ya gonna transplant it into the ff soil?


Well-Known Member
so nitro is the most important nute when in veggatative growth?
i changed over to pro-mix, and i added a 20 pound bag of worm castings. the nutes say 1-0-0 this small amount of n isnt gonna hurt my seedlings is it?


New Member
Organic fert's release slowly so the chance of you burning your plants is nil. Chemical fert's get a bad rap in this area tho because most people overdo it or use liquid which releases all at once so you need to be careful. If however you get a quality time released chem fert, you will do even better. :peace:

out. :blsmoke: