Nutrient Emergency


Well-Known Member
my Top 44 plants have what I believe to be a

Magnesium deficiency: Curled up leaf tips/sides.

This just started a few days ago and is now effecting two of my younger plants (10-11 days old).

I have purchased from Walmart a bag of Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate).


The bag is "Dr. Teal's Epsom Salt with eucalyptus and spearmint essential oils".

If I dissolve accordingly and soak the plants in a teaspoon/gallon of this solution, would you think the ecal and spear oils will harm or kill my plants?

The only ingredient listed on the bag is Magnesium Sulfate.

Thanks so much for any help, I've never had to deal with the curling leaves before!


Well-Known Member
Can´t really say if the oils will harm ur plants or not but to be safe why don´t u try and deal with the Mg lockout by adding some lime into the soil ...if not just try the 1/2 teaspoon of epson salts and keep checking the plants development...


Well-Known Member
Picture me incredibly stoned asking, "Lime like the fruit or Lime like the rock-stuff..."

Yes people, I'm THAT dense! Which one is it?


Well-Known Member
U can add either some juice or dolomite lime its up to u really...but i would run into the nearest garden center and get agricultural dolomite lime, u should also test ur soil for pH cause i dont really know if ur lockout is cause the pH is to low or to high...


Well-Known Member
pH is neutral.

The growth hasn't stopped or even slowed down and not all the leaves are curling. I'm probably going to try the lime on it. At least before adding any Epsom.


Anyother opinions on this? before I douse my plants in lime juice!


Uses the Rollitup profile
Jorge Cervantes sez

Adding Dolomite Lime to acidic potting soils before planting will stabilize the pH, plus it will add magnesium and calcium to the soil. Add Epsom Salts with each watering to correct magnesium deficiencies, if no dolomite was added when planting. Use Epsom Salts designed specifically for plants rather than the supermarket-type.

Save the lime juice for your cocktail. :blsmoke:

HTH :mrgreen:


New Member
The granulated dolimite lime should be added at the time that you are mixing your soil mix up. Just a SMALL handful to each two gallons of soil mix is just about right.
