

Well-Known Member
i was wondering what nutes i should be using at the moment. my medium is just organic soil and havent used ANY nutes yet. they are roughly 20 days old and look pretty healthy. I dont live near any hydro shops or any specialy shops of the sort. just home depot, rona and canadian tire and such. what nutes should i be using and how exactly do i go about feeding them to my babies? also, i was wondering about cloning, ive read all the FAQ's already, ive been told u gotta clone while they are younger-but why would you make clones before sex is visible? or can you just switch to 12/12 during veg to see signs then switch back? any input from experienced growers/people who kno what their talking about is appreciated.


Active Member
Hydro read the back label. Soil use Miracle Grow.
For cloning.... Clone from mother plant a test plant from each mother. Once the clones take root. Place at 12/12 Mark each plant so you know which mother plant it came from. After 2 weeks you should know which mothers are male or female. Dump the males. Now start your cuttings from all mother plants.


Well-Known Member
what miracle grow nutes do i use? do i start using them now, how often do i feed them and how do i go about giving them these nutes.. thanx


Well-Known Member
For veg I use Miracle Grow All Purpose (24-8-16). You can start using them now if you think they need it. Begin with 1/4 of the strength recommended by the box and mix it with the water you give them. Make sure to keep track of the pH.


Well-Known Member
why do you guys keep saying miracle grow they're ferts can really harm marijuana. buy some hydro nutes, they will work much better even for soil, and black gold is the best soil to use, either that or organic soils but not the ones with the MG nitro balls in them. Add your nutes at 1/4 strength at the beginning and double it every 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
keep in mind im only limited to Local home and garden stores such as Rona, Home depot and Canadian tire. So the chances are the best choices will not be available there.


Well-Known Member
ok well do not use miracle grow soil, it can damage your otherwise healthy plant. Their ferts might be ok but I would look around a little, for veg preferably a 10-5-5 solution is good, or something with close proportions to that.


Well-Known Member
I've never had a problem with MG nutes. I've never used their soil though so you might be right about that, but their nutes do not harm marijuana whatsoever.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
If you want to stay organic most Casa De Pot stores sell Alaska Fish fert/fish emulsion. Be careful can burn em with this stuff and it smells like dead fish. It does work though...and I'd use it ANYDAY over MG...which basically KILLS all living organisms in the soil. makes no sense to use their "Organic" soil and then using their chem ferts on it later! LOL.

there may be other organics on the shelves in your local HD/wally's..etc....

ya just gotta look and improvise...and then you need to find a good online garden supply and buy something better when you can. look at

good luck

bt dt