nutes query

get on all ive got three church plants that ive grown from seed 11 days since i planted them, i put the seeds straight to soil and under a 400w mh bulb straight after sprouting, there doing good about 4 inches tall and developing like kelp, i am using canna soil mix, i have some hydro nutes veg and bloom stage that came with the kit which i intend to use, but as the nutes are not for soil how much less if any of the feed should i use and at what size or age would feeding comence? yours faithfully a dumb limey

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
As long as the nutes are water soluble they can be used in soil. I start feeding after 3 weeks 1/8 strength and work up as the plants develop.


Active Member
thanks little Tommy will do exactly that.
make sure u mix it with water. not 50/50. more like 5 food/95 water but since your plant is doing fine the way it is why give it nutes if it dont need it? id wait till the bottom leaf start to turn a lil yellowish before i start giving it nitrogen
make sure u mix it with water. not 50/50. more like 5 food/95 water but since your plant is doing fine the way it is why give it nutes if it dont need it? id wait till the bottom leaf start to turn a lil yellowish before i start giving it nitrogen
thanks man, i guess if it aint broke dont fix it right, cheers