Nutes and Seedlings

Hey this may be a stupid question but do you think it would be okay to soak jiffy pellets in a root growing hormone. I have a basic rooting booster from Home Depot and was thinking if i cut the dose in half to a half cap per gallon versus a full cap which the stimulator calls for? What do you think will this help germed seeds to boost root productions or too much too soon?


New Member
I know that its great for clones not sure bout new sprouts, but they dont have roots either so it might just work.. I might try it too i have two bubblelicious seedling right now..


Well-Known Member
Bad Idea. This is what happens when you put root gel directly on meristem.

See how the bottom stem fatten up hard, well it stopped growth on top for over 2 weeks.
thanks for the posts...I am not talking about rooting hormone for cloning, I am simply talking about a root booster liquid fertilizer to help plants establish roots and grow them faster...