Nutes, and a successful nute schedule


Well-Known Member
Looking to change up my current nutes because of my yields. I am a soil grower who is open to suggests on nutes and would also like for people on
Here to list what is working for them and what there veg/flower nute schedules are. Let the fun begin.


Well-Known Member
no one wants to reveal what works for them?? im looking into earth juice products, dyna, foxfarms, flora nova. just want something that is easy and produces, trying to pick something up this weekend. what are everyone's thoughts


Well-Known Member
well if you can get a kind of strain that will yield big for my perfence is quality over quantiy because i use for my personal medicine....I like the small garden and easy to you im soil grower....and more important is light, air, water, and temp that will help cannabis grow i said in other post to your question which is use nutrient , you know i suggest dyna gro line since it s extremely easy and simple to dilute and the early veg stage, i will start with first GROW at very low dose...and i start to water in the bottom with nutrient to see if the plant like it and just make sure that plant isnt prone to overnute. then i will slowly increase dose every water...then i will add the bloom for base nutrient...ya know what im talking about it :D and I dont like to stress plant, in my belief if the plant got stress often it will cause low yield and quanity. i always check the soil to have good moist, not dry bone or soggy, and check the insects or fungus etc...fix it immediately if you see the leaves start curl upward or downard, its mean this distress plant is being attack by insects, fungus , heat,overnutes ,overwater,underwater, defs, i said read the plant is very important that will result in the big yield, no matter what kind of bloom nutrients, not the nutrients that will play role in the yield, its your grow practice grow and patient, it will pay off.

maybe you can help us out, are you grow outdoor or indoor ? if the indoor, please give us the detail what kind of your lighting, air, and temp, what kind of the envoriment that you grow....thanks



Well-Known Member
Thanks for responding Izoc, my current setup is that I am indoors with homebox xl(4x4x7) with a 600 watt hps cooltube inside with a fan hooked up to the light expelling the hot air. I have fans moving air around on the bottom and top of the tent, my temps run from 72-82 with lights on 40-50% humidity, temps drop when light are off to high 60's. I am in the process of setting up another 600watthps cooltube but not in a tent, trying to find out the right amount of room for it?? But i know what your talking about when you say its more the environment and not neccesarilly the nutes that play the big role in the end result, Im going to go with Dyna from your and others reviews on them. I am going to keep it simple do some training this time. There was just a few things that I was confused that you wrote, when you said you used the bloom during vegging as a base nute? how much do u use of it in ML? also you use the veg nute during bloom as a base nute at what ML? also you use Dyna's Protekt during the whole grow at 2.5ML? I just am concernexd with the next nute i choice losing alot of taste? and smell cause im going more chemical than im used to, coming from organic teas??


Well-Known Member
Hey Ghopzz,

I am looking into that to ,been reading reviews for couple off days now, and found some interesting reviews and tests down to answer the exact same question on what to use...but i Izoc said its your skills and style that adds up the over all yield and taste..

Still if we take all as constant , that all your variables that hurt the plant are constant and you test different Nutrients ... on the same strain and you compare you can know :) and thats what a guy did thanks to him i was able to make my choice...he compared the following products :

Test 1 - Earth-juice full line Grow - Bloom - Micro-blast - Catalyst - Meta K

Test 2- Neptune's Harvest/Marine based nutrients Alaska fish fertilizer - Neptune's harvest fish and seaweed fertilizer - Neptune's harvest fish fertilizer -
Neptune's harvest Crab shell - Neptune's harvest seaweed fertilizer

Test 3 - Earth-juice/Marine based nutrient blend Alaskan fish fertilizer - Neptune's Harvest seaweed fertilizer - Neptune's Harvest fish fertilizer - Earth-juice Bloom - Earth-juice Catalyst - Earth-juice Micro-blast

Test 4- Fox Farm full line Grow big - Big bloom - Tiger bloom - Open Sesame - Beasties Bloom - Cha ching

Test 5- Advanced nutrients Sensi line Sensi grow 2 part - Sensi bloom 2 part - Sensizyme - Bud blood - Carboload - Voodoo juice - Overdrive - B-52 - Final phase

Test 6- Dyna gro Dyna grow - Dyna bloom - Protekt

Test 7- Bio-Canna Vega - Flores - Bio-boost -Rhizotonic - Cannazyme

Test 8- General Organics Bio-weed - Bio Thrive Grow - Bio Thrive Bloom - Bio-bud - Bio-weed - Cal/mag

no one wants to reveal what works for them?? im looking into earth juice products, dyna, foxfarms, flora nova. just want something that is easy and produces, trying to pick something up this weekend. what are everyone's thoughts


Well-Known Member
i chose earth juice , i always prefer organic preserves taste and natural state of the strain ...goodluck


Well-Known Member
i have been doing organic for some time now, my yields never get to where i want them to be, i get primo bud, but just wnat a little more yield. Do you get good yield with earth juice nutes? I use organic Teas.


Well-Known Member
Humboldt Nutrients is dope...check their stuff out. They have a tech support you can call with any questions and they have lots of different feeding schedules listed on their website.
You only just got them and havnt actually used them your base nutes only have 7 elements.

OP, I'd advise against using bullshit brands. Try Dyna-grow, Canna or Jacks Classic. All of their base nutrients contain all of the chemical elements your plants need (the other factors being water, oxygen, CO2 and light).


Active Member
You only just got them and havnt actually used them your base nutes only have 7 elements.

OP, I'd advise against using bullshit brands. Try Dyna-grow, Canna or Jacks Classic. All of their base nutrients contain all of the chemical elements your plants need (the other factors being water, oxygen, CO2 and light).
Don't listen to this troll, unless that's what you want. Go with whatever you feel is the best as their are so many nute brands and so many differentiating opinions on this website you will never find a definate answer.

Good Luck With Your Grow


Well-Known Member
Did you ignore the fact your base nutes only have 7 elements? I'm pretty sure basic miracle grow contains more of what a plant needs.

And anyways as I said, you havnt used the nutes yet (and you spent $375 on them) but you're recommending he buys them...Iv been using my current ones for over a year now and I recommend them instead cos they're complete and I find them excellent, but somehow I'm the troll to be ignored?!


Active Member
Did you ignore the fact your base nutes only have 7 elements? I'm pretty sure basic miracle grow contains more of what a plant needs.

And anyways as I said, you havnt used the nutes yet (and you spent $375 on them) but you're recommending he buys them...Iv been using my current ones for over a year now and I recommend them instead cos they're complete and I find them excellent, but somehow I'm the troll to be ignored?!
Harrekin, have you ever used Humboldt Nutrients full line?


looking to get a better understanding of npk values and the best ratios for feedings...also if i am using a base bloom and inhancers do i add the npk of each thing to get a total value of percentages..wanting a good understanding , lookin for diff results


Well-Known Member
Harrekin, have you ever used Humboldt Nutrients full line?
Nope, I don't pay $375 for incomplete base nutes, a bunch of different boosters, a few bottles of sugar water and then beneficial microbes you can get for a fiver in a garden centre (which even at that they can take up to 3 months to colonise your soil).

I use 3 bottles; 1 for veg, 1 for bloom and a bottle of PK13/14. Total cost $45 and the veg lasts 4 grows, the bloom lasts 2 and the PK13/14 lasts 10+.

This is the important part you dont seem to understand...In either of the veg or bloom formulas I have, there are more nutrients than you have in your whole line (which is 15/16 bottles I believe).

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
im not saying all stress will help your plant but some stress, the right stress, like stress roots to grow (by drying out a little more) as a example is good, i mean name one priniciple in nature that didnt react to stress in a pre destiined way

E.I.(not saying its a good thing just an example) stressing your plant to produce polen, or UV stress to increase resin production

Marijuana is a plant that reacts to stress in different ways some good some bad

my opinions on nutrients are not educated enough but with simple A+ B and cannaszym and Rhizotonic, from canna, i do very well,

500PPM helps to stretch out the extra high cost


has any0ne 0n here used humb0ldt c0untys crystal burst 0-16-16 the guy at the hydr0 st0re recc0mmended t0 me s0 i grabed a b0ttle f0r 20 bucks cant find much inf0 0n it with ppl using it 0n gr0ws s0 im h0ping s0me0ne can help me 0ut 0n here thanks keep t0king:bigjoint: + bongsmilie x :joint: = :shock:


Well-Known Member
You must have serious reading comprehension issues or something. I went to their website and looked at the ingredients, they are seriously lacking.

You havnt used them yet and clearly don't know what to actually be looking for in a plant food, so stfu and stop pimping a product you don't know anything about and havnt even tried yet.

"Dope as fuck"'re the fucking dope if you believe all the marketing bullshit on the website without reading the ingredients.