Nute ration for flowering?


Hey, so again im in almost 30 days flowering and I have a nitrogen deficiency. I have a 10-10-10 nutrient solution. Will this work or do i need a different nutrient solution with a different ration (ex. higher in N)???


Well-Known Member
Well, as logic would tell you, a fert with higher N would help it recover faster, but probably not much more noticeable than the 10-10-10 will. Both will work, but the higher N fert would be the better choice. :)


Active Member
4 weeks into flowering I think I would be looking for more P and K.. 13/14 is what I use with Canna PK 13/14. I still run my basics but I add this at or around the 4th week of flowering. So why do you think that you are N deficeint? If it is just your leaves yellowing, don't worry. That is actually a sign that the energy is going to the buds and not veg growth. Post a picture as to what you are talking about. I would be surprised if it was a straight N deficency that far into flowering..