Nute question


Well-Known Member
Okay so I have 3 different bloom solutions, and I don't understand the ratio X-X-X thing and how its used to pick a grow solution, so I have

Ionic Bloom 3-2-6
Koolbloom 0-10-10
Cutting edge bloom 0-6-5
So how the hell do I pick what I need for a DWC, Someone told me to use to teaspoons of each per gallong ( Thanks to that dick I killed a 3 OZ plant)Also, whats the purpose behind a Micro, do I need it?So far I have had good yeilds even tho there a bit light and airy, and no matter how long they are under the light for, ( did one up to 4 months) they always smell like hay when I dry them ( I now water cure to get around this)


Active Member
N – nitrogen: promotes the growth of leaves and vegetation[1] P – phosphorus: promotes root and shoot growth K – potassium: promotes flowering, fruiting and general hard Each plant will react differently to NPK formulas. I prefer the less is more method. I stay under 1000ppm the whole show. until you learn your strain and its needs at various stages i suggest Lucas formula as a "shotgun approach" once you are more educated on the nutrition of your strain you can change recipes weekly. Always start low measure the ppm everyday. if the ppm goes down add a bit more nutes, if the ppm rises add less nutes. Its way easier for a underfed plant to become healthy, but once you hit the tipping point of burn it can be death.


Active Member
as for smelling like hay it usually means it needs to hang dry longer in a low humidity dark room, then put in jars for a proper cure of a week minimum. but some strains have weird smells.