Nute burn? Which one?


Active Member
2) Growing indoor or outdoors
Indoor, 600w hps
3) Watering schedule
1 gal ~1 per week, Fox Farms 2T of the tea and 1t Grow Big and 1t Tiger Bloom
4) Growing Medium
Coco Choir
5) What stage of growth
Moved to 12/12 on 1/13 but had 1 week of no power and cold so count that week out

It looks like nute burn to me. If so which one(s)? Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
hey bro what type of strain is it, i really dont think its nute burn it looks more like a diffency bro if it was nute burn the tips would have already turnded brown and real brittal


Active Member
no not really but the type of strain can help you to eliminate a few things likel if they are color changing strains they usually get phosphorous deficiencies reall easilly and if its not its more than likely patassium.


Active Member
heres another example molybdenum or ( MO ) is a dificiancy that only happens in color changing strains when the tem get way to low more than the average witch is 65 usually at thise temp ur plant will turn purp when its in the dark during flowering.


Active Member
It is a blue dream. It's supposed to be heavy sativa but this baby and the one she came from are short and squat with wide leaves. I'll take more pics when I get home of the whole plant. Ph is at 6.8 so no prob there.


Well-Known Member
It is a blue dream. It's supposed to be heavy sativa but this baby and the one she came from are short and squat with wide leaves. I'll take more pics when I get home of the whole plant. Ph is at 6.8 so no prob there.
generally want it at 5.6-6.0 i believe.


Active Member
magnesium deficiency does not lockout phosphorus. Oh you think because the plant is purple huh. in flowering when plants start yellowing, they can also start to purple. It might be due to a slightly large difference between day and night temperatures or simply the strain.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should be using growbig hydro instead of the regular growbig. It's more complete.


Well-Known Member
man your plants are ripening. the color you see is a normal part of the breakdown of green chlorophyl in the leaf. revealing the leaves true color. which in your case looks a little reddish??? anyway i have pineapple express that did the same thing. purple in fact. twas beautiful. lemme see isecond fav.jpgf i can find a pic. so you should see the coloring progress, telling you your plants are very near ripe. and ready.