Nut burn? "pics"

new to this any suggestions please... hope pics will help...
i think i nut burned them not sure if they are over or under watered. ph in res 5.5, light cycle 18-6
room temp 68-75

turned water and lights off for 24 hours starting 9 am when i found them looking like they do. washed out res


Def.... nut burn.. not sure what kind.. but I would water down the solution and wait a few days to see if there are new leaves spouting.. cont light cycle as is.. what is the watering cycle on? all nuts should be 1/2 dose or less.. hope that helps.. good luck
ok thanks, my 400 watt has an intake and exause fan right by it and my plants are seperated from the light bulb by glass so i have them atleast a ft. to ft and a half from the mh. they are out of my hydro pots and im going to handwater them for 1 more week before i put them back in the drip system.