NPK 4-4-12 fertilizer in veg stage is this okay ?


Active Member
It would keep the plant going I'm sure but it isn't exactly ideal in ratios. If you can afford to buying a line of nutes would be your best bet. Or do some research into making your own "line" of fertz from organic ingredients. You could check out Blue Mountain Organics on Ebay...All organic and a full line. Not too pricey either. They have a grow fert, bloom fert, foliar spray, and a little something they call Super Plant Tonic which they say if you use it as directed will allow you to cut the other nutes in half because it enhances the roots abilities to absorb nutrients. I'm expecting a shipment from them soon, I haven't actually used them before but their are a lot of people here in the organics forum that swear by them.


Well-Known Member
if your strapped for cash, the liquid MG has a better nute ratio than that - think it's a couple bucks at walmart