Not sure what I'm up against, please advice.


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm brand new here, and brand new to growing!

I just noticed these signs of pests and was hoping to get some tips on I.D.'ng the bastards, and combating them (unfortunately haven't spotted them). Obviously in the first couple of pictures it appears that something has taken a bite out of the leaves, and in the other one there is a white residue in a ring shape (this is evident on at least two leaves). Please let me know what you think! Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Hey mate, I think you uploaded the same pic twice so can't see the residue but are these out doors by any chance?

It looks a lot like some slug/snail damage to me, could also be a caterpillar though.


Well-Known Member
lol yea looks like sumthings eating them.,... u dont have a cat by any chance do u lmao..... i caught mine one day