Not really sure what happened.


Well-Known Member
K... here is the senario. I Harvested one of my plants that was ready. I hung to dry on Thursday, today is Saturday, and it is all crispy, and smells kind of like hay. I think I may have jacked it up some how. I went a head and put it in jar and sealed the jar. My concern is that it only took like 3 days to get to that point. Could it be that my humidity is too low? Will this kill the THC and CDB content. And was I right to put it in a jar already? I don't want to jack it up any more than I have already done. I am working on a plant that is going to be a big harvest and I want it to be done right. Any advice would be appreciated.
rule of thumb, if the stem cracks then they are ready to cure. if ur stem bends in any way wait. make sure its a clean snapp. cure what u have. 3-4 times a day air out jar so its dry then but buds back in jar . you will see condensation and humidity in jar. make sure to dry out the jar when you see this.
rule of thumb, if the stem cracks then they are ready to cure. if ur stem bends in any way wait. make sure its a clean snapp. cure what u have. 3-4 times a day air out jar so its dry then but buds back in jar . you will see condensation and humidity in jar. make sure to dry out the jar when you see this.
Perfect advice i usually hang for two days or depending on bud size and cure in jar for a week min.


Well-Known Member
What about the drying and the hay smell... lack of humidity? I hung basically the whole plant w/o leaves for 3 days and it was crunchy... is that alright?


Active Member
A great way to flavor and put some moisture back into the buds is to put an orange or lemon peel in the curring jar. Just make sure you put it on some paper towel so its not directly touching any bud. This will give the bud an even cure and a nice aroma!