not looking good :( help?!

DJ Losh

Active Member
Oh just about 3 or 4 days ago my little buddy started to go reaaal bad looking... I noticed that it did rain a lot recently but not more than it had before, but all of a sudden the plant just became a weeping willow, and the leaves started drying up on their own and dying, some on the bottom were yellow... I never actually expected anything from this plant in the first place except to cure my curiousity but i'm wondering if theres anything i can do... It was fine until this past week but my question is why did is it dying all of a sudden, it was though someone poisoned it ... I'll have some pix tomorrow but i've been giving it more light these past few days... since it sits in the shade for a good part of the afternoon.... im guessing its that i didnt give it enough light but i havent tested pH or anything further than giving it miracle gro sticks to help the veg ... i actually started 12/12 2 days ago but it looks as though its not even gonna be healthy enough to go through that stage of its life... seriously any help would be appreciated, thanks.

DJ Losh

Active Member
yes i will take a few pictures when i get back today, i think it might have been the miracle gro sticks too, i was thinking of taking them out and transplanting new soil into the pot but ill be back in a few hours with pics, thanks :)


Well-Known Member
ok first things first: get the miracle grow stick out! dig that sucker out and get it away from your plants! i did the exact same thing with my last grow. luckily i noticed some yellowing of the leaf-tips early before any full out necrosis occurred. it's not necessarily because it's miracle grow - it's just probably that your plant is just a little young for nutes.

in the future, you should probably stay away from using any time release nutes for your plants because with these types of nutes, you never know how much your plants are getting, or for how long. you're better of using liquid nutrients for growing marijuana. This way you can use the nutrients every time you water if you want, and you always know exactly how much fertilizer is in your soil and available to your plants.

haha wow i remember babygro from the last time i used to be on this site cause of my first grow. this whole time i just thought that babygro sucks was babygro. i just never really noticed the other shit. lol


Well-Known Member
you guys are changing the subject, totally off the threads topic to discriminate against me because of my user name
I think you opened yourself up to ppl changing the subject when you made
a user name that is meant only to antagonize someone else because they
have different opinions than you do about things like....oh I don't know..
MOLASSES??..It's obvious that you are a certain experienced grower on this forum . Grow up already. Jeez.

DJ Losh

Active Member
guys chill i really want some help on my plant... i dug the miracle gro out of the soil over there today and took some pics... god my plant looks sadddddd lol i have very limited space so even the branches grew unevenly.... first time growing and was really just curious to see a pot plant, but ive been growing it since february/march.... w/e here's some pix... anyone think i can salvage ANYTHIN from this plant?? it hasnt even sexed yet :S

also i was thinking since that soil is probably really bad for my little buddy, would it be out of the question to shake as much dirt off and put it into some fresh soil? right now that seems reasonable since it looks really dead right now anyway... i can only get one pic up some fking thunderstorm is messing with my net


Well-Known Member
That my friend is how an over-watered plant looks.
How is your drainage? You gotta add a bunch more drainage holes and get it into some light. The sun will help evaporate the water.

I would not screw with the soil yet....if at all. You'll send it into shock.
Deal with the over watering first. More drainage, more light...and do NOT water it. LoL You just gotta wait it out and be patient.

Once you get past this, you should be fine, next time plan ahead with proper drainage and add some pearlite to your soil.

DJ Losh

Active Member
ow those pictures do no good showing what it actually looks like, it doesnt show that some of the leaves are now dried up and dead on their own from like middle plant down, plus i kept it out of the rain for most of the bad storms we've had recently, so the soil looks fairly dry up top, i'll get another pic soon i just wish i hadn't put those miracle gro sticks in

DJ Losh

Active Member
ok it definetly wasnt overwatered, the drainage is just fine, it hasnt had any water for 1 week... after i read the initial posts but now i figured out it was the gro sticks, since there is new top growth but most of the sun leafs are dead.... im so pissed i let this happen it was such a nice plant before that... i had to pick off all of the dried up and yellow leaves just now... hopefully it will rebound enough to give me a flavor of the bud :( lol all i want is one smoke from it!

DJ Losh

Active Member
holy crap you nailed it right on the spot, i didnt even read that and i came outside today and saw the soil was mad dry, but then i realized that i shielded the plant from the rain for the past few weeks... wrong thing, plus i wanted to rinse the soil to get any of that extra miracle gro out as well and voila, the plant is back to being its prickly old self, just missing alot of leaves :(:(:(:(:( i wish i could have realized my mistake but hey can't blame a stoner for not realizing the obvious