Northern Lights x Ak 47 Journal


Active Member
hey well this is my second grow first grow journal:) so the first one dint all go that well but im sure this one will. the stran that iv chosen this time was
Northen Lights x ak 47!
the set up im useing is four 26 watt cfl on a y splitter in my closet.

I started germation jan 26 /09. To germante them i just did the all famous paper towle in a bag they cracked three days later and where ready to be planted jan 29/09.

Ill Keep yalls up dated with pics and all that fun stuff and soo on laterr:D:D


Active Member
hey so it on the 3rd day since i planted them and them sprouted and look great soo i hope everything keeps on going to plan here are some pics there not the best bc the cams a lil fucked ill get better one later hope yalls like:D



Well-Known Member
Nice grow, I have a similar grow going myself, 2 bagseeds with 8 30 (6500k) watt CFLs, what are you using for flowering? I have 8 15 watt (2700k) CFLs, hopefully you get some ladies!


Active Member
hey so its been the first week of grow since germanation and its been going great so far! better than my last grow so far id say lol

so here are some pics of the set up and the grow so far :D:D

let me no whatcha all think?

