North VA


New Member
what up
my names eric
i live in northern virginia
im a senior in highschool
i plan on growing outdoors when spring rolls around but i've never tried growing before
i've got a bag full of KB seeds (just from buying over the years) and my brother gave me a bag of 9 or 10 skunks so im really excited to get started but afraid of the complications
any advice would be lovely
pm if youre feeling giving (advice wise)

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
My advice to you would be to become a sponge and read everything you can. You can start with the GrowFAQ at the top of the page.

It is like -
Growing 101
Growing 201
Growing 301
Growing 401

and so on....... You get the idea.

Remember to start your germinating and vegging early enough to be ready for spring with happy, healthy plants.