North Korea News : North Koreas War On USA - 2 Million given free camoflauge


Well-Known Member
ww2 weapons and trench warfare battle tactics..
All they had at the time, if you mean Korea. Arty landing in your trench is bad.

I'm not sure what you are implying. What does tech have to do with it? When it gets really desperate, it's down to sticks and stones.

The world bombed back into the stone age. Will we stop fighting each other? All evidence says no.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
There is lots of snow in America.

The phones don't work, cos there's noone left to call.

Go have a cup of snow in your (North Korean made) Red Cross Blanket.
yeah that was so true.

im shivering in the cold right now, hoping to cartch a songbird for supper, but if not ill have to eat the hot snow handout from north korea.

oh wait. it's a balmy 72 degrees, partly cloudy with intermittent showers on my garden, and im eating cuban black bean bisque over rice grown less than 5 miles from my cardboard shanty with 3 bedrooms 2 baths and central heat and air. (which i rarely use since this is California for fuck's sake)

next time they should go the the deserts of the southwest to survey the vast parched desolation that was once gree feilds and farms, before the evil US foolishly tangled ass with Kim Il Sung, the beloved leader.


Well-Known Member
yeah that was so true.

im shivering in the cold right now, hoping to cartch a songbird for supper, but if not ill have to eat the hot snow handout from north korea.

oh wait. it's a balmy 72 degrees, partly cloudy with intermittent showers on my garden, and im eating cuban black bean bisque over rice grown less than 5 miles from my cardboard shanty with 3 bedrooms 2 baths and central heat and air. (which i rarely use since this is California for fuck's sake)

next time they should go the the deserts of the southwest to survey the vast parched desolation that was once gree feilds and farms, before the evil US foolishly tangled ass with Kim Il Sung, the beloved leader.
Liar, there's no birds left.

The (re)educational video told me so.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Liar, there's no birds left.

The (re)educational video told me so.
ha ha ha ha man theres flocks of wild turkeys that bottle up traffic on the local highways with their bold and unconcerned antics on a weekly basis all over the sacramento region, and one of the local city parks is home to a flock of like 50 domestic chickens who bop about fearlessly. they are a local institution.


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha ha man theres flocks of wild turkeys that bottle up traffic on the local highways with their bold and unconcerned antics on a weekly basis all over the sacramento region, and one of the local city parks is home to a flock of like 50 domestic chickens who bop about fearlessly. they are a local institution.


New Member
[h=1]North Korea News - 150,000 Americans to Be Captured In Invasion Of South Korea, 3 Day War[/h]


Translation: The crack storm troopers will occupy Seoul and other cities and take 150,000 US citizens as hostages."

It is the unshakable will and resolute determination of the service personnel and people of the DPRK to frustrate hostile acts of the U.S. and its satellite forces against the DPRK and defend the sovereignty of the country.
However, the U.S. is still making a foolish attempt to test the DPRK's will and dampen its resolute decision through high-handed hostile acts including nuclear blackmail, failing to properly understand about its rival.
Not content with pushing the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle war drills to the danger line, the U.S. set about making an undisguised nuclear blackmail against the DPRK after introducing mass destructive strike means equipped with nuclear warheads.
In this regard the spokesman for the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army (KPA) gave the following answer to the question put by KCNA Thursday:

As the KPA Supreme Command already clarified, the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle joint military exercises are evidently dangerous nuclear war drills now under way as part of the most outrageous hostile acts to encroach upon the sovereignty and supreme interests of the DPRK.
This is a vivid expression of the crudest violation of the Korean Armistice Agreement (AA) and all the north-south agreements.
This was precisely the reason why the DPRK took an important decision to totally nullify the AA and declare the north-south declaration on nonaggression and the joint declaration on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula invalid.
The decision reflected the strong will and steadfast determination of the DPRK army and the people to foil the U.S. nuclear war racket with their

own nuclear weapons, free from any binding, and wipe out all hostile forces toeing the U.S. policy now that it has become impossible to pin any hope on the validity of the above-said agreements and declarations.
The U.S. is now introducing B-52, nuclear-powered submarines and other nuclear strike means into south Korea and its vicinity in a bid to test the DPRK's will and break its resolute determination.
The flying corps of strategic bombers equipped with nuclear weapons and nuclear-powered submarines serve as "the three major nuclear mainstays"

and "the three major nuclear strike means" along with intercontinental ballistic missiles that the U.S. brandishes as means of blackmail as it pleases.
What should not be overlooked is that the U.S. picked up B-52 and nuclear-powered submarines out of these nuclear strike means to send them to the sky above south Korea and its waters for a nuclear strike drill under the simulated conditions of an actual war against the DPRK. The U.S. is openly calling it a strong warning message to the DPRK and is claiming in public that it would continue such threat and blackmail against the DPRK in the future.
But the army and people of the DPRK will never be frightened at such a warning message, threat and blackmail.
The U.S. should not forget that the Anderson Air Force Base on Guam where B-52 takes off and naval bases in Japan proper and Okinawa where nuclear-powered submarines are launched are within the striking range of the DPRK's precision strike means.
Now that the U.S. started open nuclear blackmail and threat, the DPRK, too, will move to take corresponding military actions.
The DPRK's declaration that it will react to the nukes of the enemy with nuclear attack more powerful than them is by no means an empty talk.
The world will clearly see the provocateurs, who hurt the sovereignty of the DPRK, meet a miserable end in the flames of justice kindled by the army and people of the DPRK to defend its sovereignty.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you are getting at. What am I in denial of? I assume you mean that I am the one in denial since you took the red pill and if I read you right, you are implying I took the blue pill.
There is a large group of chicken littles around here. And the sky is always falling.

Look out!


Well-Known Member
hey, depave, thanks for including the translations. This Armistice Agreement has been a sham since the USA put S. Korean troops under direct command and stationed atomic weapons there since 1958. It doesn't mean anything one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
hey, depave, thanks for including the translations. This Armistice Agreement has been a sham since the USA put S. Korean troops under direct command and stationed atomic weapons there since 1958. It doesn't mean anything one way or the other.
You couldn't learn a different language because there's no schools left.

Back to your snow.

(And LOL at NK thinking it has the same nuclear attack power as the US).


New Member
hey, depave, thanks for including the translations. This Armistice Agreement has been a sham since the USA put S. Korean troops under direct command and stationed atomic weapons there since 1958. It doesn't mean anything one way or the other.
No problemo, been enjoying that people are now stealing and uploading North Korean TV on the internet so we can see what its like. This is the story today, U.S. A Military are ADMITTED OPEN sexual predators allegedly, they even cite fake sources. Watching this I found out that when the government kills someone (aside from public executions) they say that the U.S.A did it, so they grow up thinking we are decapitating and dismembering their parents and crazy shit like that.

[h=1]North Korea TV - American Military Are Sexual Predators, Admits USA[/h]

Translation: North Korea TV - American Military Are Sexual Predators,Admits USA

The U.S. forces are plagued with the gamut of corruption and scandals, being affected by extreme war-phobia and war-weariness.
The recent Associated Press figure of military officers who were dismissed for committing sexual assaults, drug and alcohol uses and all other crimes since 2005 showed four out of 10 officers above lieutenant colonel level for the past eight years.

Those who were dismissed after being charged with sexual assaults accounted for 30 percent.

Recently 18 generals and admirals were discharged 10 out of which were charged with crimes related to sexual assaults.

No wonder, a senior official of the U.S. Defense Department said that sexual assaults and other crimes have become a serious issue within the U.S. forces.

Muddy spring will have muddy streams.

Endemic among the U.S. soldiers are sexual assaults, drug abuse and addiction to alcohol which degenerate troop morals.

The U.S. Defense Secretary confessed that more than 3,100 cases of sexual assaults were reported among U.S. forces in 2011 alone, bringing the number of victims to 19 000.

According to a report published by the U.S. Defense Department, half of female soldiers who were sent to Iraq and Afghanistan fell victim to sexual harassment.

Amid the increasing drug abuse, a quarter of U.S. ground soldiers were disclosed to have used sedative against rule.

Irony is that drugs were prescribed at U.S. military bases, increasing the number of soldiers getting addicted to drugs.

Also funny is that the U.S. military has got busy forming a special investigation group within the army allegedly to check addiction to alcohol.

The U.S. misdeeds have sparked off furor worldwide, inviting international condemnation.
A typical example is GIs' despicable behaviors in Japan and south Korea.

Last year two members of the U.S. marines in Okinawa assaulted a 20-year old woman, enraging the locals.
This February a drunken soldier of the U.S. air force in Japan drove a car into another car before being arrested.

Crimes occurring in an unbroken chain in south Korea arouse strong protest and denunciation of people. When considering the year 2011 alone, in July a soldier in Waegwan U.S. military base in Chilgok County, North Kyongsang Province committed a sexual violence against a woman in her 40s and in September a drunken GI raped 18-year old schoolgirl in Tongduchon, Kyonggi Province and a soldier belonging to the U.S. 8th Army stormed a room of a schoolgirl in Mapho District, Seoul where he raped her and fled with a laptop computer.

Drunken GIs recently brandished lethal weapons and did damage to innocent inhabitants and policemen, arousing furor.
Much upset by this, the U.S. Forces Commands in Japan and south Korea ordered soldiers to abstain from wine and put in force a nighttime curfew. But it was just like closing the barn after the horse is stolen.

The true nature of the U.S. forces plagued with corruption can never change.
It is ridiculous for the U.S. to think of provoking the DPRK with such an army little short of a group of riff-raffs ill famed for corruption and crimes.


Well-Known Member
No problemo, been enjoying that people are now stealing and uploading North Korean TV on the internet so we can see what its like. This is the story today, U.S. A Military are ADMITTED OPEN sexual predators allegedly, they even cite fake sources. Watching this I found out that when the government kills someone (aside from public executions) they say that the U.S.A did it, so they grow up thinking we are decapitating and dismembering their parents and crazy shit like that.

North Korea TV - American Military Are Sexual Predators, Admits USA


Translation: North Korea TV - American Military Are Sexual Predators,Admits USA

The U.S. forces are plagued with the gamut of corruption and scandals, being affected by extreme war-phobia and war-weariness.
The recent Associated Press figure of military officers who were dismissed for committing sexual assaults, drug and alcohol uses and all other crimes since 2005 showed four out of 10 officers above lieutenant colonel level for the past eight years.

Those who were dismissed after being charged with sexual assaults accounted for 30 percent.

Recently 18 generals and admirals were discharged 10 out of which were charged with crimes related to sexual assaults.

No wonder, a senior official of the U.S. Defense Department said that sexual assaults and other crimes have become a serious issue within the U.S. forces.

Muddy spring will have muddy streams.

Endemic among the U.S. soldiers are sexual assaults, drug abuse and addiction to alcohol which degenerate troop morals.

The U.S. Defense Secretary confessed that more than 3,100 cases of sexual assaults were reported among U.S. forces in 2011 alone, bringing the number of victims to 19 000.

According to a report published by the U.S. Defense Department, half of female soldiers who were sent to Iraq and Afghanistan fell victim to sexual harassment.

Amid the increasing drug abuse, a quarter of U.S. ground soldiers were disclosed to have used sedative against rule.

Irony is that drugs were prescribed at U.S. military bases, increasing the number of soldiers getting addicted to drugs.

Also funny is that the U.S. military has got busy forming a special investigation group within the army allegedly to check addiction to alcohol.

The U.S. misdeeds have sparked off furor worldwide, inviting international condemnation.
A typical example is GIs' despicable behaviors in Japan and south Korea.

Last year two members of the U.S. marines in Okinawa assaulted a 20-year old woman, enraging the locals.
This February a drunken soldier of the U.S. air force in Japan drove a car into another car before being arrested.

Crimes occurring in an unbroken chain in south Korea arouse strong protest and denunciation of people. When considering the year 2011 alone, in July a soldier in Waegwan U.S. military base in Chilgok County, North Kyongsang Province committed a sexual violence against a woman in her 40s and in September a drunken GI raped 18-year old schoolgirl in Tongduchon, Kyonggi Province and a soldier belonging to the U.S. 8th Army stormed a room of a schoolgirl in Mapho District, Seoul where he raped her and fled with a laptop computer.

Drunken GIs recently brandished lethal weapons and did damage to innocent inhabitants and policemen, arousing furor.
Much upset by this, the U.S. Forces Commands in Japan and south Korea ordered soldiers to abstain from wine and put in force a nighttime curfew. But it was just like closing the barn after the horse is stolen.

The true nature of the U.S. forces plagued with corruption can never change.
It is ridiculous for the U.S. to think of provoking the DPRK with such an army little short of a group of riff-raffs ill famed for corruption and crimes.
The scary part is that usually in every shit-pile there's usually a nugget of truth...

And our media lies just as much as theirs does.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's all true. And again thanks. A rare view in a strange mirror. The facts are very real.

This is very the US we were taught that's hard to describe. It's the Bullwinkle's, Boris Badtinoff.

A caricature. Not funny, but the same tiny man, with beady eyes and bat ears and bearskin flap hat.

So, you take a culture where for generations, everything was punished is ways of severity, we CAN"t imagine. Crime has one penalty, most severe in that culture, disgrace. Death is only part of it. Family Disgraced and punished. Porn and all form of titillation are crimes. Fantasy, even is a thought crime. You a supposed to confess. (sound familiar, somehow?)

So, take this poor forced Pollyanna culture and explain how the enemy are sex brutes, well, just get the clue from Joe Goebbels. Rabid can beat tech.


New Member
Well, it's all true. And again thanks. A rare view in a strange mirror. The facts are very real.

This is very the US we were taught that's hard to describe. It's the Bullwinkle's, Boris Badtinoff.

A caricature. Not funny, but the same tiny man, with beady eyes and bat ears and bearskin flap hat.

So, you take a culture where for generations, everything was punished is ways of severity, we CAN"t imagine. Crime has one penalty, most severe in that culture, disgrace. Death is only part of it. Family Disgraced and punished. Porn and all form of titillation are crimes. Fantasy, even is a thought crime. You a supposed to confess. (sound familiar, somehow?)

So, take this poor forced Pollyanna culture and explain how the enemy are sex brutes, well, just get the clue from Joe Goebbels. Rabid can beat tech.
Yes its sort of like they are still in the 1950's, frozen in time in many ways, technology, culture, etc...They just kind of froze after the war. The idea to use multiple cameras to shoot a film, colored tv, pencil sharpeners that feature a handle which you move in a circular motion to quickly sharpen your #2's, #2's themselves, desk that can adjust to the height of the user, techno music (actually music itself, any songs not written by the general or dear leader is strictly forbidden)...these are all inventions by the general and dear leader, technological advances moving the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea forward.


New Member
The true power has always been information.
this is why the general instituted 3 generations of punishment for political prisoners, If you show disrespect toward democratic peoples republic of korea you go to a prison camp, and so does your kids and their kids. If you are related to a political prisoner you get thrown in the camp if you look someone in the eyes, your not to look at someone above you in the eyes, or say the wrong thing to them. This according to escapees from NK.


New Member
ha ha ha ha man theres flocks of wild turkeys that bottle up traffic on the local highways with their bold and unconcerned antics on a weekly basis all over the sacramento region, and one of the local city parks is home to a flock of like 50 domestic chickens who bop about fearlessly. they are a local institution.
They will be eaten on Tuesday