North Korea bombs South Korean island - just less than two hours ago


Active Member
This situation is wierd man, I mean, what is the reasoning behind this?!
I honestly think Kim Jong Ill is worried that his life is coming to and end, it was on the news not long ago that he wasquite sick. He has been putting his son through the ropes aswell. I'm thinking he want's to go out in style and this is his way of doing that. The dudes always been crazy, nothing has changed.

Obviously does not justify this bullshit! Attacking innocent people.
It isn't America's job to get involved with this by the way, first and foremost China and Japan should be there to back SK up. They are their closest allies. Then there is Australia.

I honestly can't believe that the world didn't see this totally bewilder's me that there are smart s fuck people working in international intelligence agencies and working for world leaders and this kind of shit goes under the radar! Time for some people to wake the fuck up. NK has enough power to fuck this place up, and I wouldn't put it past Kim Jong Ill to try and blow up half the world!

Scary shit man, and poonjoon, keep your head low man, maybe even leave the country, I've seen you say many times that you have a house or family or something over in the states??! I would go there a.s.a.p.........

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Not like this is a rare thing. The fourth time North and South Korean forces have clashed in the same town in the last decade. Nothings going to come of it.


Well-Known Member
GO NORTH KOREA. They aint worried.. Chillin back drinking Hennessey, If any other county invades them they will just drop the BOMB.


Well-Known Member
The reasoning is that North Korea just showed 2000 centrifuges showing it has an advanced nuclear program. It was facing further sanctions for this admission.

Every time NK causes shit it gets loans or other subsidies to appease it to stop its nuclear program (we see how well that went). I think they are just beefing up their bargaining position before asking for more free shit.

It is likely also to bolster the new leader if and or when KJ is gone if he is not gone already.


Active Member
Seriously, if they didnt make Team America, this wouldnt of happened. North Korea's president is PISSED!


Well-Known Member
the north koreans need to be taught a lesson.... china should stay out of this one when we get involved....... just like we should stay out of it when china invades taiwan........ they could collapse our dallar.....

this is nothing a 2 week air campaign wont fix........ maybe we could bomb up on some of those nuke. making facilities they got set up

OB 1

Active Member
the north koreans need to be taught a lesson.... china should stay out of this one when we get involved....... just like we should stay out of it when china invades taiwan........ they could collapse our dallar.....

this is nothing a 2 week air campaign wont fix........ maybe we could bomb up on some of those nuke. making facilities they got set up
China owns too many dollars to want them collapsed... North Korea is not our problem.

OB 1

Active Member
thats why they should let us bang out n. korea real quick, just like we will turn the other way when china takes taiwan
Sure, we could "bang out" North Korea... but why?

I think it's better to have Taiwan buying our weapons... and making much better computers than the chinese.


Well-Known Member
Real Life. these people live a totally different Lifestyle in a different culture. They are from the Fking Jungle, They Live in a DIFFERENT TIME ZONE We think of Seconds, Hours, Days.. They think in Years, Generations, Decades. They know the world will CHANGE and their getting ready for it. So when you make a Movie like Team America offending the whole NK military LDR.. That wont be forgotten no matter how many Harry Potters come out. In the REAL WORLD, the middle east, east.. russia. all know Shyt doesnt last forever. America ISNT the same LAND OF THE FREE HOME OF THE BRAVE anymore. While were worried about whats coming on HBO and when the Pizza will get here the other side of the planet is Strapping up the Boots. Americas Army is Moving Taking Action Everywhere in the World BUT America it seems.
Seriously, if they didnt make Team America, this wouldnt of happened. North Korea's president is PISSED!


Well-Known Member
Honestly if we BANGED out north Korea to the point where they Declared WAR on the planet they would use a nuclear bomb wherever they could and laugh about it.

thats why they should let us bang out n. korea real quick, just like we will turn the other way when china takes taiwan