North Carolina HB577 Progress


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone havent posted in a couple years but I just received and e-mail from rep. Kelly Alexander saying the following.

H577 is still locked in the Rules Committee, despite the nearly 12,000 citizens who have signed the petition. If you are interested in participating in a lobbying day during the short legislative session, May 16 through aproximately the last week in June stay tuned, I'll be emailing you contact information shortly. Thinking about a summit on this issue in August to prepare for the 2013 long session...will keep you posted. Thanks for signing the petition, you are helping to change just takes time.

Il try to remember to keep you all updated with anymore information I receive going forward.


Well-Known Member
Thats great news. Are you part of Norml or MPP, etc? Maybe NC will be the first Med MJ state in the south. Its quite significant. I keep my eye out for whats happening there.


Well-Known Member
No actually im not I signed a few petitions and offered several resources and studies from labs going from hole in the wall experiment to government university and hospital studies and experiments. Offered for them to contact me and gave them my phone number e-mail etc. I suppose it just stood out.